"Droid Sans Mono" font, improved for Programming.
Custom version of the font “Droid Sans Mono”, improved for Programming.
Some characters have been modified which makes it easier to code.
(Including parenthesis size, dotted zero, At sign, Dollar, Tilde, comma/semicolon/dot sizes and a few other characters).
$ wget -O ~/Library/Fonts/DroidSansMonoSW.ttf "https://github.com/smallwat3r/droid-sans-mono-sw/raw/master/DroidSansMonoSW/DroidSansMonoSW.ttf"
Debian / Ubuntu
$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts && \
wget -O ~/.local/share/fonts/DroidSansMonoSW.ttf "https://github.com/smallwat3r/droid-sans-mono-sw/raw/master/DroidSansMonoSW/DroidSansMonoSW.ttf" && \
fc-cache -vf
In most OS, right click of the .TTF file, and click “Install”.