项目作者: Songmu

项目描述 :
ecschedule is a tool to manage ECS Scheduled Tasks.
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/Songmu/ecschedule.git
创建时间: 2019-09-09T00:49:51Z

开源协议:MIT License



Test Status
MIT License

ecschedule is a tool to manage ECS Scheduled Tasks.


  1. % ecschedule [dump|apply|run|diff] -conf ecschedule.yaml -rule $ruleName


The ecschedule manages ECS Schedule tasks using a configuration file (YAML, JSON or Jsonnet format) like following.

  1. region: us-east-1
  2. cluster: clusterName
  3. rules:
  4. - name: taskName1
  5. description: task 1
  6. scheduleExpression: cron(30 15 ? * * *)
  7. taskDefinition: taskDefName
  8. containerOverrides:
  9. - name: containerName
  10. command: [subcommand1, arg]
  11. environment:
  12. HOGE: foo
  13. FUGA: {{ must_env `APP_FUGA` }}
  14. - name: taskName2
  15. description: task2
  16. scheduleExpression: cron(30 16 ? * * *)
  17. taskDefinition: taskDefName2
  18. containerOverrides:
  19. - name: containerName2
  20. command: [subcommand2, arg]


  1. % brew install Songmu/tap/ecschedule
  2. # or
  3. % go install github.com/Songmu/ecschedule/cmd/ecschedule@latest

GitHub Actions

Action Songmu/ecschedule@main installs ecschedule binary for Linux into /usr/local/bin. This action runs install only.

  1. jobs:
  2. deploy:
  3. runs-on: ubuntu-latest
  4. steps:
  5. - uses: actions/checkout@v2
  6. - uses: Songmu/ecschedule@main
  7. - run: |
  8. ecschedule -conf ecschedule.yaml apply -all


A declarative CLI Version Manager aqua can install ecschedule.

  1. % aqua g -i Songmu/ecschedule

Quick Start

dump configuration YAML

  1. % ecschedule dump --cluster clusterName --region us-east-1 > ecschedule.yaml

edit and adjust configuration file after it.

apply new or updated rule

  1. % ecschedule -conf ecschedule.yaml apply -rule $ruleName

Before you apply it, you can check the diff in the following way.

  1. % ecschedule -conf ecschedule.yaml diff -rule $ruleName

run rule

Execute run subcommand when want execute arbitrary timing.

  1. % ecschedule -conf ecschedule.yaml run -rule $ruleName

Using the -prune option to manage rules

In version v0.9.1 and earlier, when rules were renamed or deleted from the configuration, the old rules remained and had to be deleted manually. With the -prune option introduced in v0.10.0, you can now automatically remove these old rules.

  1. % ecschedule -conf ecschedule.yaml apply -all -prune

To see which rules would be deleted without actually removing them, combine with the -dry-run option.

  1. % ecschedule -conf ecschedule.yaml apply -all -prune -dry-run


You can use following functions in the configuration file.

  • env
    • expand environment variable or using default value
    • {{ env "ENV_NAME" "DEFAULT_VALUE" }}
  • must_env
    • expand environment variable
    • {{ must_env "ENV_NAME" }}

inspired by ecspresso.



tfstate plugin introduces a template function tfstate.

  1. region: us-east-1
  2. cluster: api
  3. role: ecsEventsRole
  4. rules:
  5. - name: hoge-task-name
  6. description: hoge description
  7. scheduleExpression: cron(0 0 * * ? *)
  8. taskDefinition: task1
  9. group: xxx
  10. platform_version: 1.4.0
  11. launch_type: FARGATE
  12. network_configuration:
  13. aws_vpc_configuration:
  14. subnets:
  15. - {{ tfstate `aws_subnet.private-a.id` }}
  16. - {{ tfstate `aws_subnet.private-c.id` }}
  17. security_groups:
  18. - {{ tfstatef `data.aws_security_group.default['%s'].id` `first` }}
  19. - {{ tfstatef `data.aws_security_group.default['%s'].id` `second` }}
  20. assign_public_ip: ENABLED
  21. containerOverrides:
  22. - name: container1
  23. command: ["subcmd", "argument"]
  24. environment:
  25. HOGE_ENV: {{ env "DUMMY_HOGE_ENV" "HOGEGE" }}
  26. cpu: 1024
  27. memory: 1024
  28. memoryReservation: 512
  29. dead_letter_config:
  30. sqs: queue1
  31. propagateTags: TASK_DEFINITION
  32. plugins:
  33. - name: tfstate
  34. config:
  35. path: testdata/terraform.tfstate # path to tfstate file
  36. # or url: s3://my-bucket/terraform.tfstate

{{ tfstate "resource_type.resource_name.attr" }} will expand to an attribute value of the resource in tfstate.

{{ tfstatef "resource_type.resource_name['%s'].attr" "index" }} is similar to {{ tfstatef "resource_type.resource_name['index'].attr" }}.
This function is useful to build a resource address with environment variables.

  1. {{ tfstatef `aws_subnet.ecs['%s'].id` (must_env `SERVICE`) }}

Multiple tfstate support

You can specify multiple tfstate files. Specify the func_prefix option to avoid conflicts between functions.

  1. plugins:
  2. - name: tfstate
  3. func_prefix: first_
  4. config:
  5. path: testdata/first_terraform.tfstate # path to tfstate file
  6. - name: tfstate
  7. func_prefix: second_
  8. config:
  9. path: testdata/second_terraform.tfstate # path to tfstate file

In this case, the function must be called by the plugin function.

The plugin function takes the prefixed function name as the first argument and the function arguments as the second or later arguments.

  1. {{ plugin `first_tfstate` `aws_subnet.private-a.id` }}
  2. {{ plugin `second_tfstate` `aws_subnet.private-a.id` }}


ssm plugin introduces a template function ssm.

  1. region: us-east-1
  2. cluster: api
  3. role: ecsEventsRole
  4. rules:
  5. - name: fuga-task-name
  6. description: fuga description
  7. scheduleExpression: cron(0 0 * * ? *)
  8. taskDefinition: task1
  9. group: xxx
  10. platform_version: 1.4.0
  11. launch_type: FARGATE
  12. network_configuration:
  13. aws_vpc_configuration:
  14. subnets:
  15. - {{ ssm `/subnet/private/a/id` }} # String type.
  16. - {{ ssm `/subnet/private/c/id` }}
  17. security_groups:
  18. - {{ ssm `security_group/default/id` 1 }} # StringList type.
  19. - {{ ssm `security_group/default/id` 2 }}
  20. assign_public_ip: ENABLED
  21. containerOverrides:
  22. - name: container1
  23. command: ["subcmd", "argument"]
  24. environment:
  25. FUGA_ENV: {{ ssm "/path/to/secretstring/fuga" }} # SecureString type.
  26. cpu: 1024
  27. memory: 1024
  28. memoryReservation: 512
  29. dead_letter_config:
  30. sqs: queue1
  31. propagateTags: TASK_DEFINITION
  32. plugins:
  33. - name: ssm

{{ ssm "/path/to/parameter" }} will retrieve a parameter from the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

This function supports String, StringList, and SecureString types.


Rule Name Uniqueness and Overwrite Risks

ecschedule is designed to guarantee the uniqueness of job definitions by rule name in the configuration file.

If ecschedule is run in an environment where a Rule that is not managed by ecschedule already exists, ecschedule will overwrite that Rule. If you do not intend to overwrite, please ensure that the names written in the configuration file do not duplicate with existing Rules.

Note on Previous Versions

In versions v0.9.1 and earlier, there were issues related to rule name changes causing garbage definitions and rules not being deleted from AWS when removed from the configuration file. These issues have been addressed in version v0.10.0 with the introduction of the -prune option.

