项目作者: sue445

项目描述 :
seed util (convert excel to yaml and insert yaml to db)
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/sue445/heart_seed.git
创建时间: 2014-06-14T13:37:28Z

开源协议:MIT License




seed util (convert excel to yaml and insert yaml to db)

Gem Version
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Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

  1. gem 'heart_seed'

And then execute:

  1. $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

  1. $ gem install heart_seed

xls support

If you want to use .xls file (NOT .xlsx file), gem install (or write to Gemfile) roo-xls too

And see License!


  1. bundle exec rake heart_seed:init
    • create config/heart_seed.yml, db/xls, db/seeds
    • append to db/seeds.rb
  2. Create xls
  3. bundle exec rake heart_seed:xls
    • Generate yml to db/seeds
    • If you want to specify files: FILES=comments_and_likes.xls SHEETS=comments,likes bundle exec rake heart_seed:xls
  4. bundle exec rake db:seed or bundle exec rake heart_seed:db:seed
    • Import yml to db
    • Exists TABLES, CATALOGS options


  1. TABLES=articles,comments bundle exec rake db:seed
  2. CATALOGS=article,user bundle exec rake db:seed

not Rails

append this to Rakefile

  1. require 'heart_seed/tasks'


  • if production db:seed, require ENV["TABLES"] or ENV["CATALOGS"]



  1. seed_dir: db/seeds
  2. xls_dir: db/xls
  3. catalogs:
  4. # user:
  5. # - users
  6. # - user_profiles


  1. # Appended by `rake heart_seed:init`
  2. HeartSeed::DbSeed.import_all
  3. # If you want to insert by ActiveRecord, replase like this.
  4. HeartSeed::DbSeed.import_all(mode: HeartSeed::DbSeed::ACTIVE_RECORD)
  5. # If you want to skip model validation in insert, add `validate: false` (default is true)
  6. HeartSeed::DbSeed.import_all(validate: true)


Supported xls/xlsx format

Example sheet

id title description created_at this is dummy
1 title1 description1 2014/6/1 12:10 foo
2 title2 description2 2014/6/2 12:10 baz
  • Sheet name is mapped table name
    • If sheet name is not found in database, this is ignored
  • 1st row : table column names
    • If the spaces are included in the middle, right columns are ignored
  • 2nd row ~ : records

Yaml format


  1. ---
  2. articles_1:
  3. id: 1
  4. title: title1
  5. description: description1
  6. created_at: '2014-06-01 12:10:00 +0900'
  7. articles_2:
  8. id: 2
  9. title: title2
  10. description: description2
  11. created_at: '2014-06-02 12:10:00 +0900'


Catalog is table groups defined in heart_seed.yml


  1. catalogs:
  2. user:
  3. - users
  4. - user_profiles

user catalog = users, user_profiles tables

You can specify the catalogs at db:seed task

  1. CATALOGS=user bundle exec rake db:seed
  2. # same to) TABLES=users,user_profiles bundle exec rake db:seed

Shard DB

When you use shard DB, write like this to db/seeds.rb.

Rails example

  1. SHARD_NAMES = %W(
  2. #{Rails.env}
  3. shard_#{Rails.env}
  4. shard2_#{Rails.env}
  5. )
  6. HeartSeed::DbSeed.import_all_with_shards(shard_names: SHARD_NAMES)

Insert Mode

  1. MODE=(bulk|active_record|update) bundle exec rake db:seed
  • bulk(default): using bulk insert. (delete_all and BULK INSERT)
  • active_record: import with ActiveRecord. (delete_all and create!)
  • update: import with ActiveRecord. (if exists same record, update!, otherwise create!)


While heart_seed is licensed under the MIT license, please note that the ‘spreadsheet’ gem is released under the GPLv3 license.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/sue445/heart_seed/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request