A YAML subset parser for Prolog
A YAML subset parser for Prolog. The subset of YAML was partially
taken from http://search.cpan.org/~adamk/YAML-Tiny-1.51/lib/YAML/Tiny.pm#YAML_TINY_SPECIFICATION
This implementation, however, supports no directives. Single/double block
literals are not supported. At the moment, writing YAML documents is
not supported. No types are supported, all primitive values are atoms.
The code has been tested on Swi-Prolog. It uses DCG’s to implement
the lexer and the parser. For IO it depends on library(readutil)
for various other predicates it depends on library(apply)
Unit tests cover most features. The tests are in the file src/tests.pl
and can be ran with the command make test
or by loading the file
manually into Swi-Prolog and calling run_tests
yamltiny_parse(+Codes:list, -Documents:list) is det
.yamltiny_read(+Filename:atom, -Documents:list) is det
.Complete Prolog program:
:- use_module(library(yamltiny)).
yamltiny_read('file.yml', Documents),
Input file:
- a
- b
- c
Prolog term (contains one documents):
[ array([a, b, c]) ]
Input file:
a: hello
b: world
Prolog term:
[ hash(a-hello, b-world) ]
Assuming you have Swi-Prolog installed, run make install
. You should
first make sure that unit tests run without errors.
The MIT license. See LICENSE file.