P(R*_{3, 0, 1}) specialized SIMD Geometric Algebra Library
edit: Project has been temporarily archived as I don’t have time to maintain it at the moment. Stay tuned for an updated version of the project in the future.
👉👉 Project Site 👈👈
Do you need to do any of the following? Quickly? Really quickly even?
If so, then Klein is the library for you!
Klein is an implementation of P(R*_{3, 0, 1})
, aka 3D Projective Geometric Algebra.
It is designed for applications that demand high-throughput (animation libraries,
kinematic solvers, etc). In contrast to other GA libraries, Klein does not attempt to
generalize the metric or dimensionality of the space. In exchange for this loss of generality,
Klein implements the algebraic operations using the full weight of SSE (Streaming
SIMD Extensions) for maximum throughput.
You have two options to use Klein in your codebase. First, you can simply copy the contents of thepublic
folder somewhere in your include path. Alternatively, you can include this entire project
in your source tree, and using cmake, add_subdirectory(Klein)
and link the klein::klein
In your code, there is a single header to include via #include <klein/klein.hpp>
, at which point
you can create planes, points, lines, ideal lines, bivectors, motors, directions, and use their
operations. Please refer to the project site for the most up-to-date
PGA fully streamlines traditionally used quaternions, and dual-quaternions in a single algebra.
Normally, the onus is on the user to perform appropriate casts and ensure signs and memory layout
are accounted for. Here, all types are unified within the geometric algebra,
and operations such as applying quaternion or dual-quaternions (rotor/motor) to planes, points,
and lines make sense. There is a surprising amount of uniformity in the algebra, which enables
efficient implementation, a simple API, and reduced code size.
It is known that a “better” way to vectorize computation in general is to arrange the data in an SoA
layout to avoid unnecessary cross-lane arithmetic or unnecessary shuffling. PGA is unique in that
a given PGA multivector has a natural decomposition into 4 blocks of 4 floating-point quantities.
For the even sub-algebra (isomorphic to the space of dual-quaternions) also known as the motor
algebra, the geometric product can be densely packed and implemented efficiently using SSE.
Klein is deeply indebted to several members of the GA community and their work. Beyond the works
cited here, the author stands of the shoulders of giants (Felix Klein, Sophus Lie, Arthur Cayley,
William Rowan Hamilton, Julius Plücker, and William Kingdon Clifford, among others).
Gunn, Charles G. (2019).
Course notes Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2019.
arXiv link
Steven De Keninck and Charles Gunn. (2019).
SIGGRAPH 2019 Geometric Algebra Course.
youtube link
Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, Stephen Mann. (2007)
Geometric Algebra for Computer Science.
Burlington, MA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.