Source code for "Mononizing Binocular Videos" (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020)
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 issue), Vol. 39, No. 6, December 2020, pp. 228:1—228:16.
[ Project Webpage ] [ arXiv ] [ Video ]
Mono3D is the implementation of mono-nizing binocular videos into a regular monocular video with the stereo information implicitly encoded, such that the original binocular videos can be restored with high quality.
[ Mononized view ] [ Restored left view ] [ Restored right view ]
Please refer to env.yaml.
We cannot release the whole 3D movie dataset due to copyright issues. But the binocular image dataset and part of the binocular video dataset used in the paper are publicly available: [ Flickr1024 ] and [ Inria ].
Organise the dataset as following (${DATASET is the root dir for maintaining our dataset}):
|-- Flickr1024
| |-- Train
| |-- |-- 0001_L.png
| | |-- 0001_R.png
| | |-- 0002_L.png
| | |-- 0002_R.png
| | |-- ...
| |-- Validation
| |-- |-- 0001_L.png
| | |-- 0001_R.png
| | |-- 0002_L.png
| | |-- 0002_R.png
| | |-- ...
| |-- Test
| |-- |-- 0001_L.png
| | |-- 0001_R.png
| | |-- 0002_L.png
| | |-- 0002_R.png
| | |-- ...
| |-- list
| |-- |-- train.txt
| | |-- val.txt
| | |-- test.txt
Download pretrained model from, and put the ‘mono3d_img.pth.tar’ inside ‘Exp/model_zoo’.
Demo on a single scene
$ PYTHONPATH=. python main/ --left ./imgs/demo_L.png
$ sh scripts/ mono3d_img config/Flickr1024/mono3d_img.yaml
Evaluation on the testing set of Flickr1024
$ sh scripts/ mono3d_img config/Flickr1024/mono3d_img.yaml
You are granted with the LICENSE for both academic and commercial usages.
Thanks to Yingqian Wang for releasing the great dataset, Flickr1024.
author = {Wenbo Hu and Menghan Xia and Chi-Wing Fu and Tien-Tsin Wong},
title = {Mononizing Binocular Videos},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 issue)},
month = {December},
year = {2020},
volume = {39},
number = {6},
pages = {228:1-228:16}