Ko4ka Beershire inflation calculator
1) Fix str(date) bug - LOL not a bug, but a feature
2) Create Heroku Container
Private gspread for data-processing
Dev console login
Sber(2Q2019) Ko4ka (3Q2021)
Housing 0 0.3
Food stamples 0.389 0.2
Utilities 0.152 0
Apparel 0.097 0.1
Healthcare 0.066 0.05
Debt interest 0.066 0.2
Leisure 0 0.05
General items 0.057 0
Vacation 0.048 0.1
// Parcers
—Price for m^2 (Moscow)
—Av. Rent for 2 BR App
—-Utilities //sub-class
—Mortgage rate
—-Ariel washing powder
-Interest rate
-General items
—Hundai Solaris New
—Travel tickets
->Check if the date matches (make sure it is once per day)
->Parcer status Gsheets and Python
->Transport from private to sheet to public Dashboard