Tools to reverse the Toshiba FlashAir SD cards
This repository contains a set of tools that ease reversing the Toshiba FlashAir
: interact with the carddump
: get text dumps and convert them to binaryhints
: identify functions that manipulates specific stringsnaming
: auto-name functions using error format strings xref
: explore functions call-graphupdate
: display firmware update, and build fake onesdemo
: build a simple payload for demonstrationsThe radare2 IO plugin located in tools/
ease interacting with the card:
export R2M2_ARCH=mepl
r2 -i -qc 'e asm.arch=r2m2 ; o flashair:// ; px 16 ; pd 2' --
- offset - 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0123456789ABCDEF
0x00000000 08d8 0100 18df 0800 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
,=< 0x00000000 08d80100 JMP 0x100
,==< 0x00000004 18df0800 JMP 0x8E2
Some real usages are presented in the BlackHat USA 2018 briefing named
Reversing a Japanese Wireless SD Card - From Zero to Code
flashre can easily be installed using the following commands. It is however
recommended to use a virtualenv.
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
A Docker image is provided to ease using flashre. It
is based on the guedou/r2m2 image and contains
useful tools such as radare2, miasm2, binutils with MeP support, and Sibyl.
This image is built on Docker Hub and can easily be
pulled as follows:
flashre$ docker pull guedou/flashre
flashre$ $ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/data guedou/flashre flashre hints --offset 0xc00000 /data/dump_w03.bin update
0xc20580 0xc20c82 update -f %s
0xc3335a 0xc33478 propertyupdate
0xc96870 0xc969c6 FwUpdate error f_open(%s) ret=%d\n
0xc96870 0xc96a36 \nUpdate fail. Unexpected target name.\n
0xc96870 0xc96b3e \nUpdate reserved.\n
0xc9b502 0xc9b51a USAGE: sd update filename
0xc9b502 0xc9b65a \nUpdate fail. Unexpected target name.\n
0xc9b502 0xc9b722 \nUpdate success.\n
0xc9b502 0xc9b780 Update error.(checksum)\n
0xcfac98 0xcfacb4 dp_UpdateWinStart_O
Open a Telnet session:
flashre telnet
Welcome to FlashAir
ESC R4539 built 15:37:44, Aug 28 2015
> dump -l 0x80
dump -l 0x80
address=0x00000000 length=0x80
0001d808 0008df18 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Send a single command:
flashre telnet -c version
Dump 2MB at address 0:
flashre dump dump.log
The —begin and —end arguments can be used to adjust the dump size.
Convert a text dump to a binary
flashre dump --convert dump.log > dump.bin
The goal is to understand functions purposes based on the strings that they
manipulate. Somehow, it is a generic version of the auto-naming strategies.
flashre hints dump.bin --offset 0xC00000 telnet
0xc15f4e 0xc16c04 TELNET
0xc6784c 0xc67852 TELNET start\n
0xc67936 0xc6794c telnet terminate\n
0xc7fa92 0xc7fb18 TELNET_CreateResHistory
The —reverse argument outputs strings manipulated by functions:
flashre hints dump.bin --offset 0xc00000 --reverse <(echo 0xc67c4a)
0xc67c4a 0xccf586 ESC R4161 built 16:20:27, Oct 6 2014
0xc67c4a 0xce4fec Welcome to FlashAir\x0d
0xc67c4a 0xce5172 [TEL] (error) %s:%d
0xc67c4a 0xce5161 SendLoginMessage
0xc67c4a 0xce5187 cannot get memory(%d)
0xc67c4a 0xce519e %s%s%s
0xc67c4a 0xce4fec Welcome to FlashAir\x0d
0xc67c4a 0xccf586 ESC R4161 built 16:20:27, Oct 6 2014
0xc67c4a 0xce51a5 [TEL] (error) %s:%d
0xc67c4a 0xce5161 SendLoginMessage
0xc67c4a 0xce51ba send(%d)
Two auto-naming strategies are implemented. In practice, the “error” strategy
find most of the functions. The “CamelCase” one only finds few more functions,
and some false positives.
$ flashre naming --offset 0xc00000 dump.bin
af DP.dp_UpdateWinStart_O 0xcfac98
af TEL.SendLoginMessage 0xc67c4a
af WPS.WPS_SetSecInfo 0xc3959e
af SDH.SD_HOST_TEST_Read 0xc9a78c
af FAT.fat_remove_file 0xc2eac8
$ flashre naming --offset 0xc00000 dump.bin --strategy camelcase
af SendDeauthMessageToAP 0xc393d4
af InitializeWPS 0xc80624
af WaitForTermination 0xc8019e
af CntMeasure_Timeout_Frmblk 0xc97848
af WlanWpsPin 0xc31242
This commands helps exploring functions by printing their call-graph:
$ flashre xref --offset 0xC00000 dump.bin 0xc67c4a
The —reverse argument return the functions that are calling the function given
as a parameter:
$ flashre xref --offset 0xC00000 dump.bin --reverse 0xc67c4a
Verify an update checksum:
$ flashre update fwupdate.fbn
###[ FlashAir Update Header ]###
card = 'FLASHAIR'
type = 'MAIN2'
unk0 = '\x01\x02\x03\x04'
unk1 = 0x1c7e
unk2 = 0x1f00250f
checksum = 0xc2
unk3 = 0x0
length = 1047568
Build a fake update and verify the checksum:
$ flashre update fake_update.bin --fake <(echo -n ABC) --type RF
###[ FlashAir Update Header ]###
card = 'FLASHAIR'
type = 'RF'
unk0 = '\x01\x02\x03\x04'
unk1 = 0x0
unk2 = 0x0
checksum = 0xc6
unk3 = 0x0
length = 3
The fwupdate.fbn
is used to automatically extract the address of the printf()
flashre demo fwupdate.fbn > calc.bin