项目作者: agustinl

项目描述 :
Fully customizable Svelte component to enter tags
高级语言: Svelte
项目地址: git://github.com/agustinl/svelte-tags-input.git
创建时间: 2020-01-07T22:53:14Z



Svelte Tags Input


Svelte tags input is a component to use with Svelte and easily enter tags and customize some options

Live Demo

Install & Usage

  1. npm install svelte-tags-input
  1. import Tags from "svelte-tags-input";
  2. <Tags ></Tags>


Option Type Default Description
bind:tags Array [] To get the values
addKeys Array ENTER 13 Set which keys add new values
removeKeys Array BACKSPACE 8 Set which keys remove new values
allowPaste Boolean false Enable pasting of a tag or tag group
allowDrop Boolean false Enable drag and drop of a tag or tag group
splitWith String , Choose what character split you group of tags
Work only if allowDrop or allowPaste are true
maxTags Number false Set maximum number of tags
onlyUnique Boolean false Set the entered tags to be unique
placeholder String false Set a placeholder
autoComplete Array or fn() false Set an array of elements to create a auto-complete dropdown
autoCompleteKey String false Set a key to search on autoComplete array of objects
autoCompleteStartFocused Boolean false Set the autocomplete focus to the first result without user input
autoCompleteFilter Boolean true If false disable auto complete filter and return endpoint response without filter
onlyAutocomplete Boolean false Only accept tags inside the auto complete list
name String svelte-tags-input Set a name attribute
id String Random Unique ID Set a id attribute
allowBlur Boolean false Enable add tag when input blur
disable Boolean false Disable input
minChars Number 1 Minimum length of search text to show autoComplete list. If 0, autoComplete list shows all results when click on input
labelText String svelte-tags-input Custom text for input label
labelShow Boolean false If true the label will be visible
readonly Boolean false If true the input show in display mode
onTagClick Function empty A function to fire when a tag is clicked
autoCompleteShowKey String autoCompleteKey A key string to show a different value from auto complete list object returned
onTagAdded Function empty Get a function to execute when tag added
onTagRemoved Function empty Get a function to execute when tag removed
cleanOnBlur Boolean false Clear input on blur (tags keeped)
customValidation Function empty Create a custom validation when tag is added
A complete list of key codes

Full example

Live Demo

  1. import Tags from "svelte-tags-input";
  2. let tags = [];
  3. const countryList = [
  4. "Afghanistan",
  5. "Albania",
  6. "Algeria",
  7. "American Samoa",
  8. "Andorra",
  9. "Angola",
  10. "Anguilla",
  11. "Antarctica",
  12. "Antigua and Barbuda",
  13. "Argentina"
  14. ...
  15. ];
  16. <Tags
  17. bind:tags={tags}
  18. addKeys={[9]} // TAB Key
  19. maxTags={3}
  20. allowPaste={true}
  21. allowDrop={true}
  22. splitWith={"/"}
  23. onlyUnique={true}
  24. removeKeys={[27]} // ESC Key
  25. placeholder={"Svelte Tags Input full example"}
  26. autoComplete={countryList}
  27. name={"custom-name"}
  28. id={"custom-id"}
  29. allowBlur={true}
  30. disable={false} // Just to illustrate. No need to declare it if it's false.
  31. readonly={false} // Just to illustrate. No need to declare it if it's false.
  32. minChars={3}
  33. onlyAutocomplete
  34. labelText="Label"
  35. labelShow
  36. onTagClick={tag => console.log(tag)}
  37. onTagAdded={(tag, tags) => console.log(tag, tags)}
  38. onTagRemoved={(tag, tags) => console.log(tag, tags)}
  39. cleanOnBlur={true}
  40. customValidation={(tag) => tag === "Argentina" ? true : false }
  41. />

Example with autoComplete function

Live Demo

  1. import Tags from "svelte-tags-input";
  2. let tags = [];
  3. const customAutocomplete = async () => {
  4. const list = await fetch('https://restcountries.com/v2/all?fields=name,alpha3Code,flag');
  5. const res = await list.json();
  6. return res;
  7. }
  8. <Tags
  9. bind:tags={tags}
  10. autoComplete={customAutocomplete}
  11. autoCompleteKey={"name"}
  12. autoCompleteShowKey={"alpha3Code"}
  13. ></Tags>
  14. {#each tags as country, index}
  15. <p>{index} - {country.name} - {country.alpha3Code} </p>
  16. <img src={country.flag} />
  17. {/each}




This project is open source and available under the MIT License.

