项目作者: vistatec

项目描述 :
Ocelot is an Open Source XLIFF+ITS 2.0 Editor
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/vistatec/ocelot.git
创建时间: 2013-08-28T14:16:57Z

开源协议:GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0



Ocelot is an open source workbench for working with XLIFF files in a post-editing and language review environment. It implements the localization quality issue and provenance data categories from the proposed ITS 2.0 standard and utilizes the Okapi Framework for parsing XLIFF files.

Build Status: build status

Downloading and Running

A pre-compiled version of Ocelot is available from the Okapi downloads
. Ocelot is distributed
as a JAR file that will run on any platform that has Java 1.7 or later
installed. There are also native executables for the Windows and Mac platforms.

These files are also available on the Releases page.


Additional documentation is available on the
Ocelot wiki.

Reporting Issues

To report a bug or request an enhancement, please create an account
in the Ocelot JIRA and track all issues there.


  • Java 1.7
  • Maven (for compiling only)


Ocelot uses Maven, so all dependencies should be resolved upon build (mvn package). The output jar file will located in the created target folder.

Mac Builds

The install phase will also create a disk image (DMG) file if the
dmgbuild tool is installed.

When run on OS X, the install phase of the build will sign the Ocelot.app
artifact if the codesignId property is set in Maven. For example,

  1. mvn clean install -DcodesignId="Developer ID Application: Foo Bar"

This will run the codesign tool with the specified id. You must have XCode tools
installed and a valid certificate for the specified ID installed in your local keychain
for this to work.

Release packaging


  1. mvn clean install -P release

This will generate javadoc for the application and do other necessary build prep.

This can be run in conjunction with codesigning on the Mac:

  1. mvn clean install -P release -DcodeSignId="Developer ID Application: Foo Bar"


Filter Rules

Filter rules are used to selectively display segments that match enabled rules. The configuration is loaded from the rules.properties file, which is located under /.ocelot (or can be created from scratch if it does not exist).

  1. Filter rules are in the format:
  2. <label>.<dataCategoryType> = <value>
  3. <label> is a String that groups together filter conditions and display rules.
  4. <dataCategoryType> and <value> can be the following values:
  5. <dataCategoryType> = locQualityIssueType
  6. <value> = terminology | mistranslation | omission |
  7. untranslated | addition | duplication | inconsistency |
  8. grammar | legal | register | locale-specific-content |
  9. locale-violation | style | characters | misspelling |
  10. typographical | formatting | inconsistent-entities | numbers |
  11. markup | pattern-problem | whitespace | internationalization |
  12. length | uncategorized | other
  13. <dataCategoryType> = locQualityIssueSeverity
  14. <value> = <min> - <max>
  15. where <min> is inclusive (<=) and max is exclusive (>). The possible range of values for locQualityIssueSeverity is 0.0 - 100.0
  16. <dataCategoryType> = locQualityIssueComment
  17. <value> = String
  18. <dataCategoryType> = org | person | tool | revOrg | revPerson | revTool | provRef
  19. <value> = String
  20. <dataCategoryType> = mtConfidence
  21. <value> = <min>-<max>
  22. where <min> is inclusive (<=) and max is exclusive (>). The possible range of values for mtConfidence is 0.0 - 1.0

Filter Display Rules

Filter display rules control how to display segments that match a particular filter rule. They control how the flag on a segment in the segment view appears. Possible UI types are the border color, background color, and the text. They are specified in the same file as the filter rules (the rules.properties file).

  1. Display rules are in the format:
  2. <label>.flag.<type> = <value>
  3. <label> refers to the filter rule the display rules are associated with.
  4. <value> and <type> can be the following values:
  5. <type> = fill | border
  6. <value> = #[0-9]{6} - hex representation of RGB
  7. <type> = text
  8. <value> = String - basically anything, though a single character is recommended.

XLIFF State Qualifier Display Rules

These rules control how the state qualifier attribute of a target in XLIFF will be indicated in the segment view. Each rule controls the background color of the segment number of a segment that has the specified state-qualifier attribute. They are specified in the same file as the filter rules (the rules.properties file).

  1. The possible state qualifier rules are:
  2. id-match = #[0-9]{6} - hex representation of RGB
  3. exact-match = #[0-9]{6} - hex representation of RGB
  4. fuzzy-match = #[0-9]{6} - hex representation of RGB
  5. mt-suggestion = #[0-9]{6} - hex representation of RGB
  6. All other XLIFF state qualifier types will be ignored.


The default plugin directory is located under /.ocelot/plugins. Plugins must be compiled into a jar file and placed under this directory, or a directory chosen by the plugin manager. All plugins must implement the methods defined in the Plugin.java interface, which are used to display the plugin in the plugin manager UI. There are currently two types of plugins Ocelot supports: ITS and Segment plugins.

ITS plugins are plugins that are interested in the ITS metadata of segments within an open file. The required methods for ITS plugins are given in the ITSPlugin.java interface, so every ITS plugin must implement this interface. There are currently 2 methods, which determine how to handle a particular ITS metadata for a segment. ITS metadata is only sent to plugins when the export data button in the ITS Plugin UI is pushed, which will export the LQI and Provenance data of the currently open file to the enabled ITS plugins.

Segment plugins are plugins that are interested in events such as entering and exiting the edit mode of a target, or the opening and saving of an XLIFF file. The required methods for Segment plugins are given in the SegmentPlugin.java interface, so every Segment plugin must implement this interface. Events are automatically triggered if the plugin is enabled on the segment plugin manager UI.