Visualize logical condition pattern matches.
alpha preview
Build client:
Start server:
lein run
open localhost:3232
If you’d prefer to run and serve the client with Figwheel:
lein run
cd precept-visualizer
lein figwheel
open localhost:3450
You should be able to connect to the Figwheel nREPL server at localhost:7003
access a CLJS REPL with (cljs)
If you don’t have a Precept app running, you won’t see much. As of precept 0.5.0-alpha
accepts devtools options that allow the application to send socket messages
to the devtools server at its default location (localhost:3232
As of this writing, the easiest way to see what the devtools are capable of is probably to
run the latest todomvc or fullstack example from the Precept repository:
cd precept/examples/todomvc
lein figwheel
cd precept/examples/fullstack
lein run
lein figwheel
If you have an existing Precept app and are using 0.5.0-alpha
or above, you can connect to
the devtools server by passing {:devtools true}
to precept.core/start!
, or supply your own
configuration options to connect to a server on a different host and port.
Shows facts that were added and removed for the selected state. Clicking on a fact in this view will create a tracker for it and show an explanation of its history over time.
The eye icons in the upper right of each fact indicates whether it’s being viewed in the explanation sidebar. The icon will be orange if you are viewing an explanation
that includes the exact instance of that fact, or black if you are viewing a different fact instance with the same eid and attribute.
View of all facts in the session for the selected state.
View of each event in the order it was recorded.
The icons in the left column show whether the consequence an event was an unconditional insertion, logical insertion, unconditional retraction, or a retraction caused by
a rule’s conditions ceasing to obtain.
Shows an explanation for a fact by its entity id and attribute. Initiated by clicking on a fact in the diff view. Shows an explanation for
the requested event and every other event the fact was involved in.
The list of the fact’s occurrences and corresponding explanations are updated whenever new events take place in the inspected session.
Trackers are focalized to the e-a
identity of a fact but can consist of one or more “views” on that fact at different points in time
Additional views are automatically generated when the [e a]
of the fact you want to inspect is already being tracked.
Lists all rules in the session, showing history for them if there is any.
Shows each event the rule participated in and an explanation for each.
Updates whenever new events take place in the inspected session.
Shows the rule name, the type of rule, its conditions, the facts that matched those conditions, and the facts that were inserted or removed as a consequence.
If the rule has variable bindings, shows the values that were bound to them at the time the rule fired. Pattern matches are color coded within rule conditions and the corresponding parts of facts that matched them.
Displays for events where a fact was removed from the session in order to comply with a user-defined schema.
Shows the schema rule enforced, the inserted fact that triggered it, and the existing fact that was removed.
Shows the facts inserted. Because actions effectively stipulate the existence of a fact, no further explanation is generated.
Lists each registered subscription and shows its previous and current values relative to the currently tracked state/fire-rules number.
Shows facts that were inserted at the start of the selected state via precept.core/then
that initiated all other events within the current state/fire-rules
The devtools are comprised of a Clojurescript client and Clojure server. The architecture is primarily push-based. Most communication happens via socket.
There are the beginnings of a REST API — GET /log/range/:n1/:n2
— which returns EDN data for states within a requested window.
The server receives a considerable amount of information from running Precept applications, including each rule definition and the schema being enforced.
With devtools enabled, precept.core
accumulates an event log for each session operation. When fire-rules
a batch of events are sent to the server along with the resultant state and the diff relative to the previous state. Calls to fire-rules
(also referred to
as “states”) are id’d and numbered, along with each event within it. This allows us to refer to the first session event as state 0, event 0. Event
numbers are zeroed out for each state and counts start at 0, so the 5th event of the 2nd fire rules call is referred to as state 1, event 4
Each session operation is observable and information rich thanks to the Clara team’s tremendous forethought and design decisions in this space. As a result, the event data contains:
, unconditional insert from within a rule, unconditional insert from outside a rule, retract from outside a rule, retract within a rule)?e
was 123
)Like most debugging tools, this allows us to show what happened during our program’s execution, but we’re also able to go a step further and explain why.