项目作者: cjxgm

项目描述 :
Arch Linux servers automation infrastructure
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/cjxgm/infra.git
创建时间: 2018-02-15T07:12:16Z



infra: Arch Linux servers automation infrastructure for cjprods.org

Travis Build Status

The goal is to automate the configuration of Arch Linux servers
at cjprods.org.

  • Utilize systemd to its full potential.
    • Socket activation
    • Generators (dynamic unit files and drop-ins)
    • Compartmentization (security sandboxing, DynamicUser, etc.)
    • Only requires a Stateless System
  • Utilize pacman (alpm, Arch Linux Package Manager) to its full potential.
    • alpm hooks
  • Use GitHub Release as an Arch Linux repository.
  • Support for hiding secrets for certain situations (like passwords and keys).
  • Reusable: Everyone can setup their own automation based on this project.
    • Keep as most things in plaintext as possible.
      Only sensitive parts (passwords, open ports, etc.) are encrypted.
    • Every encrypted file secret-* has a corresponding
      example plaintext file example-secret-*.

Setup pacman for local access

  1. # /etc/pacman.conf
  2. [infra]
  3. SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
  4. Server = https://cjprods.org/infra-repo

Setup a new server

Setup pacman for packages

  1. # /etc/pacman.conf
  2. [infra]
  3. SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
  4. Server = https://github.com/cjxgm/infra/releases/download/latest

Prepare private key

Put the private key as secret.pem, then package the private key:

  1. make makepkg-private-key

Upload and install the private key package build/repo/infra-private-key-*.pkg.tar.xz manually.

Now, pacman -Syu, then install any wanted packages.
All packages provided by this repo has a prefix of infra-.

Setup git for accessing secrets

  • Put the private key in secret.pem.
  • Run make setup.
  • After editing secret-* files, it’s better (for now) to
    run make unsetup to cancel the effect
    so that rebasing won’t conflict that much.

About various keys

  • The private key is used for encrypting the decryption key.
  • The encrypted decryption key is secret.key.
  • The decryption key (with the private key) is used to decrypting secrets.