项目作者: ovidiusf
项目描述 :
Driving instructor webpage designed from scratch. Showcases a complete webpage for a driving instructor using HMTL, CSS and JavaScript.
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/ovidiusf/driving-instructor.git
Driving instructor webpage designed from scratch.
Technologies Used
- SASS Pre-Processor
- JavaScript
Third Party Libraries Used
Figma Design
Figma Design
Current Features
- Fully responsive navbar
- Burger Menu functional with animations
- Home Icon (hover animation when on desktop)
- Navigation items have hover animations when on desktop
- Responsive hero section (title, subtitle, button)
- Responsive about me section (title, description, button, picture)
- Responsive driving lessons section (title,description, two buttons)
- Responsive gallery (5 pictures, 4 in a container, 1 single)
- Responsive testimonials
- Responsive contact page
- h1 title animation with animate.css
- return home/up button below contact and above footer
- favicon
- nice wheel rotating effect in driving lessons (svg implementation)
- scroll reveal effect with JS
Planned features
- other special animations for some sections
- real information
- Migration to the Vue framework