项目作者: ischaojie

项目描述 :
A todo restful api service base on go language(gin+vue)
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/ischaojie/gtodo.git
创建时间: 2019-10-09T06:30:35Z




A todos restful-api service base on go language, use gin+gorm+vue.

This todos servie is for learning go web development, Use a front-end and back-end separation approach.
front-end use Vue and back-end use Gin. just for fun, for learn.



how to run

  1. > git clone https://github.com/shiniao/mini_todo.git
  2. # mysql create database:
  3. > create database todo;
  4. # Then change the file config.yaml for your needs.
  5. # run server
  6. > cd server
  7. > go run main.go
  8. # run client
  9. cd client
  10. npm install
  11. npm run serve

todos api

You can visit .../swagger/index.html for more detail.

First, use todos api you need to get a token, Then take tokens with each visit:

``shell script POST /token get a token, need takekey:matata`

  1. That's all api:

GET /v1/todos
GET /v1/todos/:id
POST /v1/todos
PUT /v1/todos/:id
DELETE /v1/todos/:id