Kotlin, vertx, microservices utils
Kvarto is set of utilities for writing REST services using Kotlin and Vertx. It makes extensive use of coroutines
and aims at providing clean, minimal, intuitive interface for sending and receiving http requests.
Kvarto includes http client, http server and various helpers. It supports metrics with micrometer
and tracing withopen-tracing
provides single method send
that accepts HttpRequest
and returns HttpResponse
is descriptive data structure that represents all data needed to send http request like
url, method, parameters, headers, body and metadata like timeout, circuit breaker config, retries etc.HttpResponse
is descriptive data structure that represents http server response, It contains response status,
headers and body.
Both request and response have streaming support: theie bodies can be converted to Flow<ByteArray>
val client = HttpClient.create(vertx)
val request = HttpRequest(URL("http://httpbin.org"))
.addParameter("foo", "bar")
.addHeader("Zig", "zag")
.withSuccessStatuses(setOf(HttpStatus.OK, HttpStatus.CONFLICT))
val response = client.send(request)