Simple POC of nonblocking REST service based on vertx along with mongodb.
This is a simple prototype of fully reactive (non-blocking) service which is built based on using vert.x, rxjava, spring boot, mongo db.
Application itself has a really simple concept. You, as the user, can CRUD entities.
To play with service itself perform the following steps:
1) Install MongoDB : MongoDB server by default runs on port 27017.
2) mvn clean install
3) mvn spring-boot:run
4) Hit the http://localhost:9092/assets/index.html
and you will walk into the reactive world :)
P.S. Is there anyone interested with playing with that ? Feel free to fork it :)
There’s some stuff I’d like to get done :
1) Integrate Swagger with Vert.x web.
2) Adding unit tests.