项目作者: yoonjoo3615
项目描述 :
Vertx Echo Server for UDP Request
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/yoonjoo3615/VertxEchoServerforUDPRequest.git
Vertx Echo Server Example for UDP Request
Version of Java on Windows: JavaSE-1.8 (jdk1.8.0_144)
- Create a Maven Project, named vertx-benchmark.
- Add Dependencies, vertx-core:3.5.0 and jsr305:3.0.0 on pom.xml. (Stable version of Vertx is recommended)
- Create VertxServer.java which extends AbstrackVerticle and wrote the codes.
- Run the server as Java Application on Eclipse in my local windows 8.1 (64bits)machine. It worked well.
- A runnable jar, VertxServer.jar, file is exported from Eclipse, I copy that to Ubuntu server through USB or Email.
- Run the jar file on my Ubuntu 16.04 Server. But, I got an error message, “Error: Could not find or load main class”.
- Create Main.java to have Main class and Method. Export runnable jar file from Eclipse and run that on Ubuntu again.
- Run with command line “java -Xmx8gb or -Xmx10gb -jar VertxServer.jar
- It was running well
- Set up JMeter. Setup information is on the post I wrote on Vertx google group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vertx/ApUYfOzub24
Netty, Vertx and Node.js Response times Benchmark Test plan
My issue is that only Vertx Server throws “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space” in 15mins and it stops.
You can also have a look the PerfMon Monitor Collector Graph on my post on Vertx Google group