Dockerized Monero Binaries
Dockerized Monero binaries from:
To build the repository, pull the git repo, switch to the branch for your
CPU architecture (i.e. AMD64
, ARM32v7
), and docker build
$ git clone
$ cd docker-monero
$ git checkout arm # or amd64
$ docker build -t monero:arm .
Here we discuss some of the security measures taken to ensure the integrity of
the docker images built from the Monero
You will notice that the Dockerfile
, shown below, goes through all the
security checks listed here
to validate the binaries by checking the hashes of the tar
$ cat Dockerfile
# set monero binary version
ARG MONERO_BIN_VER='monero-linux-x64-v0.15.0.5.tar.bz2'
# verify
ENV FINGERPRINT='Key fingerprint = 81AC 591F E9C4 B65C 5806 AFC3 F0AF 4D46 2A0B DF92'
RUN set -ex && \
if gpg --keyid-format long --with-fingerprint binaryfate.asc | grep "${FINGERPRINT}" && \
gpg --import binaryfate.asc && \
gpg --verify hashes.txt && \
cat hashes.txt | grep "$(shasum -a 256 ${MONERO_BIN_VER} | awk '{print $1}')" ; then \
echo "Verification Success" ; \
tar -xvjf ${MONERO_BIN_VER} -C /home --strip-components=1; \
ls -lha /home ; \
else \
echo "Verification Failed"; exit 1; \
So when you docker build
the image, it will only succeed if everything checks
out via the process outlined in the
Monero Docs.
The images located at tigerj/monero
have two signed tags: amd64
and arm
You can check for the trusted images as follows:
$ docker trust inspect tigerj/monero
Signatures for tigerj/monero
amd64 94e5d94fe941832e64916fded39d65422066e4990fb55ff440b2ab5ce05a3dec tigerj
arm b7f826e8b789f45e74980b86ae5e19294af1291932e0a20709c530baed567ff7 tigerj
List of signers and their keys for tigerj/monero
tigerj e85d1c1cb2c9
Administrative keys for tigerj/monero
Repository Key: d86a0081cf3939b9194e6252add1c3c3afe1b4bc01c1566423afe3636b4a6fc3
Root Key: 3e7162f729a5355eaec6a12c2ed5ed5c97d63bd23f7ea3c5cac38832259fa10a
An attempt to document some of the features of the Monero
$ docker run --rm -it tigerj/monero:amd64 monerod --help
Monero 'Carbon Chamaeleon' (v0.15.0.5-release)
Usage: monerod [options|settings] [daemon_command...]
--help Produce help message
--version Output version information
--os-version OS for which this executable was
--config-file arg (=/home/monero/.bitmonero/bitmonero.conf, /home/monero/.bitmonero/testnet/bitmonero.conf if 'testnet', /home/monero/.bitmonero/stagenet/bitmonero.conf if 'stagenet')
Specify configuration file
--detach Run as daemon
--pidfile arg File path to write the daemon's PID to
(optional, requires --detach)
--non-interactive Run non-interactive
--log-file arg (=/home/monero/.bitmonero/bitmonero.log, /home/monero/.bitmonero/testnet/bitmonero.log if 'testnet', /home/monero/.bitmonero/stagenet/bitmonero.log if 'stagenet')
Specify log file
--log-level arg
--max-log-file-size arg (=104850000) Specify maximum log file size [B]
--max-log-files arg (=50) Specify maximum number of rotated log
files to be saved (no limit by setting
to 0)
--max-concurrency arg (=0) Max number of threads to use for a
parallel job
--public-node Allow other users to use the node as a
remote (restricted RPC mode, view-only
commands) and advertise it over P2P
--zmq-rpc-bind-ip arg (= IP for ZMQ RPC server to listen on
--zmq-rpc-bind-port arg (=18082, 28082 if 'testnet', 38082 if 'stagenet')
Port for ZMQ RPC server to listen on
--no-zmq Disable ZMQ RPC server
--data-dir arg (=/home/monero/.bitmonero, /home/monero/.bitmonero/testnet if 'testnet', /home/monero/.bitmonero/stagenet if 'stagenet')
Specify data directory
--test-drop-download For net tests: in download, discard ALL
blocks instead checking/saving them
(very fast)
--test-drop-download-height arg (=0) Like test-drop-download but discards
only after around certain height
--testnet Run on testnet. The wallet must be
launched with --testnet flag.
--stagenet Run on stagenet. The wallet must be
launched with --stagenet flag.
--regtest Run in a regression testing mode.
--fixed-difficulty arg (=0) Fixed difficulty used for testing.
--enforce-dns-checkpointing checkpoints from DNS server will be
--prep-blocks-threads arg (=4) Max number of threads to use when
preparing block hashes in groups.
--fast-block-sync arg (=1) Sync up most of the way by using
embedded, known block hashes.
--show-time-stats arg (=0) Show time-stats when processing
blocks/txs and disk synchronization.
--block-sync-size arg (=0) How many blocks to sync at once during
chain synchronization (0 = adaptive).
--check-updates arg (=notify) Check for new versions of monero:
--fluffy-blocks Relay blocks as fluffy blocks
(obsolete, now default)
--no-fluffy-blocks Relay blocks as normal blocks
--test-dbg-lock-sleep arg (=0) Sleep time in ms, defaults to 0 (off),
used to debug before/after locking
mutex. Values 100 to 1000 are good for
--offline Do not listen for peers, nor connect to
--disable-dns-checkpoints Do not retrieve checkpoints from DNS
--block-download-max-size arg (=0) Set maximum size of block download
queue in bytes (0 for default)
--sync-pruned-blocks Allow syncing from nodes with only
pruned blocks
--max-txpool-weight arg (=648000000) Set maximum txpool weight in bytes.
--pad-transactions Pad relayed transactions to help defend
against traffic volume analysis
--block-notify arg Run a program for each new block, '%s'
will be replaced by the block hash
--prune-blockchain Prune blockchain
--reorg-notify arg Run a program for each reorg, '%s' will
be replaced by the split height, '%h'
will be replaced by the new blockchain
height, '%n' will be replaced by the
number of new blocks in the new chain,
and '%d' will be replaced by the number
of blocks discarded from the old chain
--block-rate-notify arg Run a program when the block rate
undergoes large fluctuations. This
might be a sign of large amounts of
hash rate going on and off the Monero
network, and thus be of potential
interest in predicting attacks. %t will
be replaced by the number of minutes
for the observation window, %b by the
number of blocks observed within that
window, and %e by the number of blocks
that was expected in that window. It is
suggested that this notification is
used to automatically increase the
number of confirmations required before
a payment is acted upon.
--keep-alt-blocks Keep alternative blocks on restart
--extra-messages-file arg Specify file for extra messages to
include into coinbase transactions
--start-mining arg Specify wallet address to mining for
--mining-threads arg Specify mining threads count
--bg-mining-enable enable background mining
--bg-mining-ignore-battery if true, assumes plugged in when unable
to query system power status
--bg-mining-min-idle-interval arg Specify min lookback interval in
seconds for determining idle state
--bg-mining-idle-threshold arg Specify minimum avg idle percentage
over lookback interval
--bg-mining-miner-target arg Specify maximum percentage cpu use by
--db-sync-mode arg (=fast:async:250000000bytes)
Specify sync option, using format
--db-salvage Try to salvage a blockchain database if
it seems corrupted
--p2p-bind-ip arg (= Interface for p2p network protocol
--p2p-bind-ipv6-address arg (=::) Interface for p2p network protocol
--p2p-bind-port arg (=18080, 28080 if 'testnet', 38080 if 'stagenet')
Port for p2p network protocol (IPv4)
--p2p-bind-port-ipv6 arg (=18080, 28080 if 'testnet', 38080 if 'stagenet')
Port for p2p network protocol (IPv6)
--p2p-use-ipv6 Enable IPv6 for p2p
--p2p-ignore-ipv4 Ignore unsuccessful IPv4 bind for p2p
--p2p-external-port arg (=0) External port for p2p network protocol
(if port forwarding used with NAT)
--allow-local-ip Allow local ip add to peer list, mostly
in debug purposes
--add-peer arg Manually add peer to local peerlist
--add-priority-node arg Specify list of peers to connect to and
attempt to keep the connection open
--add-exclusive-node arg Specify list of peers to connect to
only. If this option is given the
options add-priority-node and seed-node
are ignored
--seed-node arg Connect to a node to retrieve peer
addresses, and disconnect
--tx-proxy arg Send local txes through proxy:
nections][,disable_noise] i.e.
--anonymous-inbound arg <hidden-service-address>,<[bind-ip:]por
t>[,max_connections] i.e.
--hide-my-port Do not announce yourself as peerlist
--no-sync Don't synchronize the blockchain with
other peers
--no-igd Disable UPnP port mapping
--igd arg (=delayed) UPnP port mapping (disabled, enabled,
--out-peers arg (=-1) set max number of out peers
--in-peers arg (=-1) set max number of in peers
--tos-flag arg (=-1) set TOS flag
--limit-rate-up arg (=2048) set limit-rate-up [kB/s]
--limit-rate-down arg (=8192) set limit-rate-down [kB/s]
--limit-rate arg (=-1) set limit-rate [kB/s]
--rpc-bind-port arg (=18081, 28081 if 'testnet', 38081 if 'stagenet')
Port for RPC server
--rpc-restricted-bind-port arg Port for restricted RPC server
--restricted-rpc Restrict RPC to view only commands and
do not return privacy sensitive data in
RPC calls
--bootstrap-daemon-address arg URL of a 'bootstrap' remote daemon that
the connected wallets can use while
this daemon is still not fully synced.
Use 'auto' to enable automatic public
nodes discovering and bootstrap daemon
--bootstrap-daemon-login arg Specify username:password for the
bootstrap daemon login
--rpc-bind-ip arg (= Specify IP to bind RPC server
--rpc-bind-ipv6-address arg (=::1) Specify IPv6 address to bind RPC server
--rpc-use-ipv6 Allow IPv6 for RPC
--rpc-ignore-ipv4 Ignore unsuccessful IPv4 bind for RPC
--rpc-login arg Specify username[:password] required
for RPC server
--confirm-external-bind Confirm rpc-bind-ip value is NOT a
loopback (local) IP
--rpc-access-control-origins arg Specify a comma separated list of
origins to allow cross origin resource
--rpc-ssl arg (=autodetect) Enable SSL on RPC connections:
--rpc-ssl-private-key arg Path to a PEM format private key
--rpc-ssl-certificate arg Path to a PEM format certificate
--rpc-ssl-ca-certificates arg Path to file containing concatenated
PEM format certificate(s) to replace
system CA(s).
--rpc-ssl-allowed-fingerprints arg List of certificate fingerprints to
--rpc-ssl-allow-chained Allow user (via --rpc-ssl-certificates)
chain certificates
--rpc-ssl-allow-any-cert Allow any peer certificate
--rpc-payment-address arg Restrict RPC to clients sending
micropayment to this address
--rpc-payment-difficulty arg (=1000) Restrict RPC to clients sending
micropayment at this difficulty
--rpc-payment-credits arg (=100) Restrict RPC to clients sending
micropayment, yields that many credits
per payment