项目作者: MaxLaumeister

项目描述 :
A polyfill for the "image-rendering: pixelated" CSS property
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/MaxLaumeister/Pixelated.js.git
创建时间: 2020-01-09T17:55:49Z

开源协议:MIT License


Pixelated.js - an “image-rendering: pixelated” Polyfill

Pixelated.js is a polyfill that makes it easy to display clean, scaled-up pixel art in the browser.

It provides functionality similar to the image-rendering: pixelated CSS property, which is currently supported by webkit browsers (Chrome, Safari, Opera), but not by Edge or Firefox.

Pixelated.js is also a more consistent alternative to using image-rendering: crisp-edges, because it guarantees that images will be scaled using the nearest neighbor algorithm. According to the spec, the scaling algorithm for crisp-edges is undefined, so Pixelated.js makes sure your images look the same across all modern browsers.

Live Demo

Click on the screenshot to see a live demo.

Pixelated.js Screenshot

Scaling With Nearest-Neighbor

Start with one or more scaled-up img tags that you’d like to apply nearest-neighbor scaling to. Add the pixelated attribute:

  1. <img src="switch.png" style="width: 300px;" pixelated>

Then, include pixelated.js anywhere in your document:

  1. <script src="pixelated.min.js"></script>

That’s it!

Pixelated.js adds the image-rendering: pixelated property if the browser supports it, and if not, Pixelated.js polyfills it by automatically replacing the src of your image with a dynamically-generated scaled-up image.

Scaling With XBR

Pixelated.js optionally supports background-threaded xbr pixel art scaling using XbrWasm, a proprietary library. To get this working, grab a copy of XbrWasm and extract it into the same folder as Pixelated.js. Then, load it before Pixelated.js like this:

  1. <script src="XbrWasm.js"></script>
  2. <script src="pixelated.min.js"></script>

Then, on your images, specify the xbr algorithm like this:

  1. <img src="switch.png" style="width: 300px;" pixelated pixelated-algo="xbr">


  • Designed for all modern browsers (but not IE). Tested in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
  • Responds gracefully to resize/reflow events, like a real img tag
  • Stays crisp on hidpi displays
  • Exclusive browser activism feature - seeing blurry pixel art gently reminds IE users that they need to start using a browser that doesn’t butcher JavaScript


  • Due to the way Pixelated.js uses canvas, it only works with images loaded from the same origin. This means that it is unable to polyfill hotlinked images from other domains. As a side note, this also means that the included demo.html file will only run properly if loaded from a real web server, not if loaded directly from the filesystem.