Algolia Search integration for Magento 1 - compatible with versions from 1.6.x to 1.9.x
🚨 The Algolia Magento 1 extension has reached End of Life regarding support and maintenance. We do not commit to maintain and support the extension past FEB 2021. We encourage you to upgrade to Magento 2 as Magento 1 has already reached its end of life.
🔎 Need help? Check out our Troubleshooting Guide and our General FAQs.
Autocompletion menu: Offer End-Users immediate access to your whole catalog from the dropdown menu, whatever your number of categories or attributes.
Instantsearch results page: Have your search results page, navigation and pagination updated in realtime, after each keystroke.
Official website:
Note: if your store is running under Magento version 2, please check our Algolia for Magento 2 extension.
Algolia is a search engine API as a service capable of delivering realtime results from the first keystroke.
This extension replaces the default search of Magento with a typo-tolerant, fast & relevant search experience backed by Algolia. It’s based on algoliasearch-client-php, autocomplete.js and instantsearch.js.
You can check out our live demo.
Check out the Algolia Search for Magento 1 documentation.
Follow our getting started guide.
The easiest way to setup your development environment is to use Docker. If you’re a Mac user, use Docker for Mac to run Docker containers.
Just run the following script to setup a running Magento 1.9.2 instance with some sample data & the Algolia Search extension installed:
$ ./dev/ -a YourApplicationID \
-k YourAdminAPIKey \
-s YourSearchOnlyAPIKey \
-p YourIndexPrefix \
-b http://`docker ip`/
Administration login is admin
with password magentorocks1
and you can access it from http://[docker ip]/admin
A phpMyAdmin instance is available from http://[docker ip]/phpmyadmin
You can execute a shell inside the container with the following command:
$ docker exec -i -t algoliasearch-magento /bin/bash
Just run the following script to create a Magento container and launch the tests directly:
$ ./dev/ -a YourApplicationID \
-k YourAdminAPIKey \
-s YourSearchOnlyAPIKey \
-p YourIndexPrefix \
-b http://`docker ip`/
If you do not want to use docker. You can use modman (a module manager for Magento) by running the following commands:
$ cd /path/to/your/magento/directory
$ modman init
$ modman clone
Here are some helpful documentation to help with your issue: