项目作者: Bmax-Tech

项目描述 :
Aurelia Loading Indicators
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Bmax-Tech/aurelia-loaders.git
创建时间: 2019-04-17T07:35:49Z




This is an aurelia compatible plugin for loading indicators.

How to use aurelia-loaders

install @bmaxtech/aurelia-loaders via npm or yarn

  1. npm i @bmaxtech/aurelia-loaders --save


  1. yarn add @bmaxtech/aurelia-loaders

then register plugin with your application

  1. aurelia.use.plugin(PLATFORM.moduleName('@bmaxtech/aurelia-loaders'))

use progress-bar or spinner element within your application

color schemes available for progress-bar and spinner elements
  • #B0BEC5 #B0BEC5 - default
  • #2196F3 #2196F3 - primary
  • #323a45 #323a45 - secondary
  • #64DD17 #64DD17 - success
  • #FFD600 #FFD600 - warning
  • #29B6F6 #29B6F6 - info
  • #ef1c1c #ef1c1c - danger

Usage of progress-bar element



basic usage

  1. <progress-bar progress="50"></progress-bar>

advance usage

  • style-class : string = used for external style configurations | default = ‘’
  • height : integer = adjust progress bar height | default = 20px
  • progress : integer = current progress | default = 0
  • step : integer = progress bar incrementing step value | default = 10
  • timer : boolean = auto-incrementer, if this is true, the progress bar will be automatically incremented | default = false
  • timer-interval : integer = auto-incrementer interval time in seconds | default = 2500 (2.5s)
  • theme : string = color scheme of the progress bar, value can be primary, secondary, success, info, warning or danger | default = primary
  • on-complete : function = callback function, when auto-incrementer is used, this function will be called when progress gets completed | default = undefined
  • show-value : boolean = show current progress percentage value in progress bar | default = true
    1. <progress-bar style-class="" height="" progress="" step="" timer="" timer-interval="" theme="" on-complete.call="" show-value=""></progress-bar>

Usage of spinner element

common options :

  • type : string = the spinner type, value can be S1 to S14 | default = S1
  • style-class : string = used for external style configurations | default = ‘’
  • size : integer = the width and height | default : 40
  • color : string = spinner color | default : black
  1. <spinner type="" style-class="" size="" color=""></spinner>

More about Spinners

Spinner Preview Options
S1 spinner-1 type: S1, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S2 spinner-2 type: S2, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S3 spinner-3 type: S3, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S4 spinner-4 type: S4, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S5 spinner-5 type: S5, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S6 spinner-6 type: S6, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S7 spinner-7 type: S7, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S8 spinner-8 type: S8, size: 100, color: [default, primary, secondary, success, warning, info, danger]
S9 spinner-9 type: S9, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S10 spinner-10 type: S10, size: 100, color: [default, primary, secondary, success, warning, info, danger]
S11 spinner-11 type: S11, size: 100, color: [default, primary, secondary, success, warning, info, danger]
S12 spinner-12 type: S12, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S13 spinner-13 type: S13, size: 100, color: HEX or RGB value
S14 spinner-14 type: S14, size: 100, color: [default, primary, secondary, success, warning, info, danger]