项目作者: ai-med

项目描述 :
Adversarial Learned Molecular Graph Inference and Generation
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ai-med/almgig.git
创建时间: 2020-06-15T06:56:14Z



Adversarial Learned Molecular Graph Inference and Generation

This is a TensorFlow implementation of ALMGIG – Adversarial Learned Molecular Graph Inference and Generation.

Previous methods for molecular graph generation require solving an expensive graph isomorphism problem during training.
ALMGIG is a likelihood-free adversarial learning framework for inference and de novo molecule generation
that avoids explicitly computing a reconstruction loss.
Our approach extends generative adversarial networks by including an adversarial cycle-consistency loss
to implicitly enforce the reconstruction property.
To quantify the performance of models, we propose to compute the distance between distributions of
physicochemical properties with the 1-Wasserstein distance.

Overview of the proposed ALMGIG model


Docker (Linux only)

  1. Install Docker and nvidia-docker.
  2. Build Docker image almgig:
    1. cd dockerfiles/
    2. ./build-image.sh
  3. IMPORTANT: Run all remaining scripts via the run-docker.sh script.
    For instance, to run python train_and_evaluate.py almgig --help, run
    1. ./run-docker.sh python train_and_evaluate.py almgig --help


  1. Download and install Miniconda
    for Python 3.
  2. Create a new conda environment almgig with all dependencies:

    1. conda env create -n almgig --file dockerfiles/requirements.yaml
  3. Activate the new environment:

    1. conda activate almgig
  4. Manually install GuacaMol without its dependencies:

    1. pip install --no-deps 'guacamol==0.3.2'
  5. Create fake fcd module which is imported by guacamol, but we don’t use:

    1. mkdir $(conda info --base)/envs/almgig/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fcd
    2. touch $(conda info --base)/envs/almgig/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fcd/__init__.py

Preparing the Data

The experiments in the paper use the GDB-9 dataset
with at most 9 heavy atoms.
To download and preprocess the data, go to the data directory and
execute the get-gdb9.sh script:

  1. cd data/
  2. ./get-gdb9.sh

This can take a while. If everything completed successfully, you should see

All files have been created correctly.

Generated splits for training, validation, and testing will be stored in data/gdb9/.

Training ALMGIG

To train ALMGIG with the same set of hyper-parameters as in the paper, run

  1. ./train_and_evaluate.sh

The script will save checkpoints in the models/gdb9/almgig/ directory.
After training, several files will be generated for validation purposes:

  1. Metrics comparing the distribution of 10 physicochemical properties
    of generated molecules and the training (test) data
    will be written to outputs/descriptors/train/ (outputs/descriptors/test/).
  2. Linear interpolation in latent space of 100 randomly selected pairs of molecules
    will be stored in outputs/nearest_neighbors/.
  3. An interpolation along two dimension of the latent space will be written
    to outputs/interpolation-test.svg.
  4. Statistics on invalid molecules will be written to outputs/errors-table.tex.

If you require more control over training and the architecture,
directly call the script train_and_evaluate.py.
To see a full list of available options, run

  1. python train_and_evaluate.py almgig --help

To monitor generated molecules and their properties during training,
you can use TensorBoard:

  1. tensorboard --logdir models/gdb9/

Training Baseline Models

We trained and validated several baseline models on the same set of molecules as ALMGIG.
Details are described in a separate README.


When performing training as above, statistics for each generated molecule will
be generated automatically, for other models, you can create a file with generated molecules
in SMILES representation (one per line), and execute the following script
to compute statistics:

  1. python results/grammarVAE_asses_dist.py \
  2. --strict \
  3. --train_smiles data/gdb9/graphs/gdb9_train.smiles \
  4. -i "molecules-smiles.txt" \
  5. -o "outputs/other-model-distribution-learning.json"

This will generate outputs/other-model-distribution-learning.json containing
simple validation metrics (validity, uniqueness, novelty) as well as
outputs/other-model-distribution-learning.csv containing generated molecules.

To compute and compare physicochemical properties of generated molecules, run

  1. python -m gan.plotting.compare_descriptors \
  2. --dist 'emd' \
  3. --train_file data/gdb9/graphs/gdb9_test.smiles \
  4. --predict_file \
  5. "models/gdb9/almgig/distribution-learning_model.ckpt-51500.csv" \
  6. "outputs/other-model-distribution-learning.csv" \
  7. --name "My Model" "Other Model" \
  8. --palette "stota" \
  9. -o "outputs/"

For each set of molecules following the --predict_file option, it
will generate a histogram showing the distribution of physicochemical properties
of generated molecules and the test data and their difference in terms of
1-Wasserstein (EMD) distance in the outputs directory.
Moreover, a plot comparing all models in terms
of mean negative exponential 1-Wasserstein distance (mEMD) will be available
at outputs/comparison_dist_stota.pdf.


If you use our work, please cite us:

  1. @inproceedings{Poelsterl2020-ALMGIG,
  2. author = {P{\"{o}}lsterl, Sebastian and Wachinger, Christian},
  3. title = {Adversarial Learned Molecular Graph Inference and Generation},
  4. booktitle = {ECML PKDD},
  5. year = {2020},
  6. eprint = {1905.10310},
  7. eprintclass = {cs.LG},
  8. eprinttype = {arXiv},
  9. }


This project contains modified code from the GuacaMol project, see
LICENSE.GUACAMOL for license information.