Scrooge Coin - Assignment 1 from the Coursera course "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies"
Assignments from the Coursera course “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies”
You will be responsible for creating a file called that implements the following API:
public class TxHandler {
/** Creates a public ledger whose current UTXOPool
* (collection of unspent transaction outputs) is utxoPool.
* This should make a defensive copy of utxoPool by using
* the UTXOPool (UTXOPool uPool) constructor.
public TxHandler(UTXOPool utxoPool);
/** Returns true if
* (1) all outputs claimed by tx are in the current UTXO pool
* (2) the signatures on each input of tx are valid
* (3) no UTXO is claimed multiple times by tx
* (4) all of tx’s output values are non-negative
* (5) the sum of tx’s input values is greater than or equal
* to the sum of its output values; and false otherwise.
public boolean isValidTx(Transaction tx);
/** Handles each epoch by receiving an unordered array of
* proposed transactions, checking each transaction for
* correctness, returning a mutually valid array of accepted
* transactions, and updating the current UTXO pool as
* appropriate.
public Transaction[] handleTxs(Transaction[] possibleTxs);