A Merkle Tree implementation in Go
By Azaghal - Own work, CC0, Link
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a hash function
// it's ok to resuse this in merkle calls because it will be reset after use
h := sha256.New()
// create an io.Reader
f, err := os.Open("main.go")
if err != nil {
// shard the file into segments (1024 byte sized segments in this case)
preLeaves, err := merkle.Shard(f, 1024)
if err != nil {
// initialize the tree
t := merkle.NewTree()
// compute the root hash from the pre-leaves using the sha256 hash function
err = t.Hash(preLeaves, h)
if err != nil {
// use the LeafHash function to convert a pre-leaf into a leaf
leaf := merkle.LeafHash(preLeaves[0], h)
// create the merkle path for the leaf
path := t.MerklePath(leaf)
if path == nil {
log.Fatalf("tree does not contain %x", leaf)
// prove with the path that the tree contains the leaf
if !merkle.Prove(leaf, t.Root(), path, h) {
log.Fatalf("tree should container %x", leaf)
Tree Hash EXchange format (THEX): This site covers a lot of the implementation details of Merkle Trees.
Storj Whitepaper: Storj is a P2P cloud storage network. The whitepaper details their usage of the Merkle Tree datastructure for validating file shards.
Mastering Bitcoin - Unlocking Digital Currencies: Chapter 7 - The Blockchain | Merkle Trees
Blockchain header: Merkle roots and SPV transaction verification: A great youtube video by Matt Thomas explaining in depth how Merkle Trees are used in the bitcoin blockchain.