项目作者: arthurmco

项目描述 :
git project issues in the command line \o/
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/arthurmco/shissue.git
创建时间: 2018-02-11T01:56:52Z

开源协议:MIT License



travis build

shissue (shell issue) is a software that allows you to manage git project issues
from the command line, without the need to open up a browser and go to your issue.

Browsers are huge beasts that can be slow sometimes.

Command line is small and fast.

Don’t having a command line tool for issues made me write less issues for
my projects, both public and private ones.

We have a command line tool for managing git source history, why not one for
managing git issue history?

Build & Install

  • Install the go compiler (pacman -S go, apt install golang, yum install golang, one of the three will do)
  • Set the environment variable GOPATH to where you want to download
    the source
  • Type go get github.com/arthurmco/shissue and wait ~and make a
    coffee~. A folder named github.com will appear at
    GOPATH. Browse it until you find shissuefolder.
  • Open the shissue folder
  • Run the build.sh script with the folder you want to install shissue as the argument (like sh build.sh /usr/local/bin). Note that, for some directories, you need to run the script as root!


  1. > $ shissue help
  2. shissue - view github/gitlab issues in command line
  3. Usage: shissue [options] command [commandargs...]
  4. Commands:
  5. help Print this help text
  6. issues List repository issues
  7. Options:
  8. [-U|--username] <<username>>
  9. specify the username used in your repo account
  10. [-P|--password] <<password>>
  11. specify the password used in your repo account
  12. --allow-untrusted-certs
  13. Allow connecting to certificates not trusted by the system
  • issues will list the issues from the current repository, if it does
    have a compatible remote.
    For now, it only supports Github public repos, but more will be added
    over time (I do have projects in other sites, too!).

    • You can specify only ‘username’. If you do that, the software will ask for the

    • You can also store the username inside git configuration (using git config). Use git config shissue.username <<username>> for storing the github username, and you won’t have to type it.

    • In Gitlab, you have the personal access token for accessing repos without
      needing a password. Use git config shissue.token <<token>> to set it
      inside shissue.

To see a video of shissue in action, check the video below:


What do we have?

What it already supports is bold, what it doesn’t is not

Support for everything in this list is planned, so don’t worry! :smile:

  • Support reading issues from

    • Github public repos
    • Github private repos (Maybe? Need to check. I don’t have private repos)
    • Gitlab public & private repos
    • Bitbucket public & private repos
  • Support for creating issues

    • on Github
    • on Gitlab
    • on Bitbucket
  • Support for editing issues

  • Support for viewing pull requests
  • Support for viewing issues’ and PRs comments
  • Support for commenting on issues & PRs

( I might add support for that reaction thing in github issue system)

When everything above is implemented, I’ll launch an 1.0 version.


I do want your contribution. Don’t be afraid :smile:

Issues and pull requests can be done in Portuguese or English.
I don’t have preference.

What I need the most is someone to help building a test suite. I don’t know
how to test this without importunating the github API.

Why don’t gissue ?



Compare. :wink:


Everybody likes nice images, so…

shissue @ node.js
shissue @ ourselves


Everything inside here is under the MIT license