git project issues in the command line \o/
shissue (shell issue
) is a software that allows you to manage git project issues
from the command line, without the need to open up a browser and go to your issue.
Browsers are huge beasts that can be slow sometimes.
Command line is small and fast.
Don’t having a command line tool for issues made me write less issues for
my projects, both public and private ones.
We have a command line tool for managing git source history, why not one for
managing git issue history?
pacman -S go
, apt install golang
, yum install golang
, one of the three will do)GOPATH
to where you want to downloadgo get
and wait ~and make
will appear atGOPATH
. Browse it until you find shissue /usr/local/bin
). Note that, for some directories, you need to run the script as root!
> $ shissue help
shissue - view github/gitlab issues in command line
Usage: shissue [options] command [commandargs...]
help Print this help text
issues List repository issues
[-U|--username] <<username>>
specify the username used in your repo account
[-P|--password] <<password>>
specify the password used in your repo account
Allow connecting to certificates not trusted by the system
issues will list the issues from the current repository, if it does
have a compatible remote.
For now, it only supports Github public repos, but more will be added
over time (I do have projects in other sites, too!).
You can specify only ‘username’. If you do that, the software will ask for the
You can also store the username inside git configuration (using git config
). Use git config shissue.username <<username>>
for storing the github username, and you won’t have to type it.
In Gitlab, you have the personal access token for accessing repos without
needing a password. Use git config shissue.token <<token>>
to set it
inside shissue.
To see a video of shissue in action, check the video below:
What it already supports is bold, what it doesn’t is not
Support for everything in this list is planned, so don’t worry!
Support reading issues from
Support for creating issues
Support for editing issues
( I might add support for that reaction thing in github issue system)
When everything above is implemented, I’ll launch an 1.0 version.
I do want your contribution. Don’t be afraid
Issues and pull requests can be done in Portuguese or English.
I don’t have preference.
What I need the most is someone to help building a test suite. I don’t know
how to test this without importunating the github API.
Everybody likes nice images, so…
Everything inside here is under the MIT license