项目作者: whizzes

项目描述 :
🅿️ Parking Lot management web application for multiple purposes, with slot reservation, users and guests capabilities
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/whizzes/thruway-parking.git
创建时间: 2021-05-07T01:00:13Z

开源协议:MIT License



🅿️ Parking Lot management web application for multiple purposes, with slot
reservation, users and guests capabilities



This application is completely build with TypeScript using Fastify and NextJS
to power up a server with Server Side Rendering capabilities for ReactJS.

Docker is also used to host a MongoDB instance.

For ReactJS components styles we are using TailwindCSS, composing utilities
with the @apply and @screen features.

Learn more here: Composing Utilities with @apply



You will need NodeJS v14.15.4 or greather installed to run this project.

  1. Install dependencies
  1. yarn install

This command will download all required dependencies for your project.

  1. Run the development server
  1. yarn run dev

Sources will be built and the project will be served on http://localhost:3000/.


For production use you must build both client and server source into plain

A configuration for this come OOTB with the build:production npm script
will build both client and server sources separately and prepare a directory
with the files

  1. Execute yarn run build:production to generate ./dist directory
  2. Execute node ./dist/main.js

The following output should be printed in your terminal

  1. $ node ./dist/main.js
  2. > event - compiled successfully


Run this project with Docker using the Dockerfile included.
First you must build the image using docker build command:

  1. PORT=3000 docker build -t thruway .

Then run the container by using the ./bin/docker_run_default script.

Environment Variables

Check on .env.sample for an example of environment variable settings and
create a new .env file for your environment variable during development.

Key Description
ADMIN_EMAIL Keep the Email value consistent for bootstraping to run successfully as this email is checked against database in order to create or not the admin user
ADMIN_PASSWORD Admin password should only be defined the first time the application runs (when creating the admin user). Remember to updated this password in the future. If no password is defined the first time the application runs, root will be used as “fallback” password
NEXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED Enable/Disable NextJS Telemery. https://nextjs.org/telemetry
JWT_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME JWT cookie name for HTTP Requests
JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME JWT refresh token cookie name for HTTP Requests
JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION JWT refresh token expiration times. The value provided is parsed with zeit/ms package. Make sure you provide a compatible value.
APPLICATION_DOMAIN Public application URL used for setting cookies on HTTP responses
COOKIE_SIGNATURE Secret to sign the cookie using cookie-signature
JWT_EXPIRATION JWT Expiration Time. The value provided is parsed with zeit/ms package. Make sure you provide a compatible value.
JWT_PRIVATE_KEY JWT Private Key. Read more
PORT Port to bind the server
PGHOST PostgreSQL host
PGPORT PostgreSQL Port
POSTGRES_DB PostgreSQL database name
POSTGRES_USER PostgreSQL database username
POSTGRES_PASSWORD PostgreSQL database password

Database and TypeORM

This project makes use of a PostgreSQL database instance which is managed via

Migrations generated from entities are created via the migration:generate
node script.

In order to run pending migrations, first make sure the PostgreSQL database
is running. If you are using Docker, by executing docker-compose up database
you should be good to go.

Then execute the NodeJS script migration:run.


Every kind of contribution to this project is welcome, please, don’t hesitate
to open a Pull Request or Issue. I will be happy to help!