A Probot extension to easily share configs between repositories.
This project has been merged into Probot itself as part of the core context.config
helper. Any future development takes place there.
A Probot extension to easily share configs between
Just put common configuration keys in a common repository within your
organization. Then reference this repository from config files with the same
# octocat/probot-settings:.github/test.yaml
shared1: will be merged
shared2: will also be merged
# octocat/repo1:.github/test.yaml
_extends: probot-settings
other: AAA
# octocat/repo2:.github/test.yaml
_extends: probot-settings
shared2: overrides shared2
other: BBB
# octocat/repo3:.github/test.yaml
other: CCC # standalone, does not extend other configs
Configs are deeply-merged. Nested objects do not have to be redefined
completely. This is accomplished using deepmerge. When using probot-config in an app, you can pass options through to deepmerge
You can also reference configurations from other organizations:
_extends: other/probot-settings
other: DDD
Additionally, you can specify a specific path for the configuration by
appending a colon after the project.
_extends: probot-settings:.github/other_test.yaml
other: FFF
Inherited configurations are in the exact same location within the
# octocat/repo1:.github/test.yaml
_extends: .github
other: GGG
# octocat/.github:test.yaml
other: HHH
Additionally, if there is no config file, but there is a repo in the org named.github
, it will be used as a base repository.
# octocat/repo1:.github/test.yaml <-- missing!
# octocat/.github:.github/test.yaml
other: III
These recipes are specific to usage of the .github repo name, which is the
recommended place to store your configuration files. Within the .github repository,
your configuration must live in a .github/
You may want to create a configuration that other projects in your org inherit
from on an explicit opt-in basis. Example:
# octocat/.github:.github/_test.yaml
shared1: Will be inherited by repo1 and not repo2
# octocat/repo1:.github/test.yaml
# Inherits from octocat/.github:_test.yaml
_extends: .github:_test.yaml
# octocat/repo3:.github/test.yaml <--missing!
# Is not merged with another config.
Alternatively, you may want to default to the config in your .github
and occasionally opt-out. Example:
# octocat/.github:.github/test.yaml
shared1: Will be inherited by repo1 and not repo2
# octocat/repo1:.github/test.yaml <-- missing!
# Uses octocat/.github:test.yaml instead
# octocat/repo3:.github/test.yaml <-- either empty or populated
# Will not inherit shared1, since no _extends field is specified
const getConfig = require('probot-config');
module.exports = robot => {
robot.on('push', async context => {
// Will look for 'test.yml' inside the '.github' folder
const config = await getConfig(context, 'test.yml');
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the bot
npm start
# Run test watchers
npm run test:watch
We use prettier for auto-formatting and
eslint as linter. Both tools can automatically fix a lot
of issues for you. To invoke them, simply run:
npm run fix
It is highly recommended to use VSCode and install the suggested extensions.
They will configure your IDE to match the coding style, invoke auto formatters
every time you save and run tests in the background for you. No need to run the
watchers manually.