项目作者: findCP

项目描述 :
findCP CLI package - find ChokePoint reactions in genome-scale metabolic models
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/findCP/findCPcli.git
创建时间: 2020-04-12T01:35:57Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


PyPI version License: GPL v3 CI-CD Quality Gate Status standard-readme compliant Code style: black DOI

findCPcli - find ChokePoint reactions in genome-scale metabolic models

findCPcli is a command line python-tool for the computation of chokepoint reactions in genome-scale metabolic models.
The main purpose of the tool is to compute chokepoints by taking into account both the topology and the dynamic information of the network. In addition to the computation of chokepoints, findCPcli can compute and remove dead-end metabolites, find essential reactions and update the flux bounds of the reactions according to the results of Flux Variability Analysis.

findCPcli takes as input an SBML files of genome-scale models, and provides as output a spreadsheet file with the results of the chokepoint computation.

Chokepoint reactions: Chokepoint reactions are those reactions that are either the unique consumer or the only producer of a given metabolite. findCPcli makes use of the flux bounds of the model to determine consumer and producer reactions, and in turn, to compute chokepoint reactions.

Dead-End Metabolites (DEM): Dead-end metabolites are those metabolites that are not produced or consumed by any reaction.

Essential Reactions: A reaction is considered an essential reaction if its deletion, this is, restricting its flux to zero, causes the objective (e.g. cellular growth) to be zero.

Figure: Chokepoint reactions and dead-end metabolites example:
Chokepoint reactions and Dead-end metabolites example

The computation of chokepoints can also be exploited programmatically via the Low Level API which is based on COBRApy.

Table of Contents


findCPcli is released under GPLv3 license.

For citation purposes please refer to:

Oarga et al. Growth Dependent Computation of Chokepoints in Metabolic Networks. International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology. Springer, Cham, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-60327-4_6


findCPcli can be installed via pip package manager:

  1. $ pip install findCPcli


  • To get a summary spreadsheet run:
    1. $ findCPcli -i <INPUT MODEL> -o output.xls
  • To use a suboptimal growth (fraction of optimal growth) with FVA, e.g. 95% of optimal growth:

    1. $ findCPcli -i <INPUT MODEL> -o output.xls -fraction 0.95
  • To get the sizes of growth dependent chokepoints run:

    1. $ findCPcli -i <INPUT MODEL> -cp output.xls


Documentation is available at readthedocs and can also be downloaded.
The previous links include examples and descriptions of the operations that can be performed with the tool.

Tool parameters

More information about the parameters of the tool can be obtained by executing findCPcli -h.
For a detailes description of the operations see the documentation.

  1. $ findCPcli [-h] [-v] [-l] -i <input file> [-o <output file>]
  2. [-cp <output file>] [-swD <output file>] [-sF <output file>]
  3. [-swDF <output file>] [-objective <reaction id>]
  4. [-fraction <fraction>]
  5. optional arguments:
  6. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  7. -v, --verbose Print feedback while running.
  8. -l, --license View license info.
  9. -i <input file> Input metabolic model. Allowed file formats: .xml .json
  10. .yml
  11. -o <output file> Output spreadsheet file with results. Allowed file
  12. formats: .xls .xlsx .ods
  13. -cp <output file> Output spreadsheet file with growth dependent
  14. chokepoints. Allowed file formats: .xls .xlsx .ods
  15. -swD <output file> Save output model without Dead End Metabolites. Allowed
  16. file formats: .xml .json .yml
  17. -sF <output file> Save output model with reactions bounds updated with
  18. Flux Variability Analysis. Allowed file formats: .xml
  19. .json .yml
  20. -swDF <output file> Save output model with reactions bounds updated with
  21. Flux Variability Analysis and without Dead End
  22. Metabolites. Allowed file formats: .xml .json .yml
  23. -objective <reaction id>
  24. Reaction id to be used as objective function with Flux
  25. Balance Analysis
  26. -fraction <fraction> Fraction of optimum growth to be used in Flux
  27. Variability Analysis. Value must be beetwen 0.0 and
  28. 1.0

Low Level API

The computation of chokepoints can also be exploited via findCPcore which is used by findCPcli.
findCPcore documentation can be found at readthedocs.

Example of network refinement and chokepoint computation:

  1. from findCPcore import CobraMetabolicModel
  2. model = CobraMetabolicModel("aureus.xml")
  3. # update flux bounds with FVA
  4. model.fva(update_flux=True)
  5. # compute chokepoints
  6. model.find_chokepoints()
  7. # get chokepoints
  8. model.chokepoints()




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