项目作者: PushkinStudio

项目描述 :
ironSource SDK Unreal Engine plugin
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/PushkinStudio/PsIronSource.git
创建时间: 2017-12-19T08:22:04Z

开源协议:MIT License



IronSource SDK Unreal Engine plugin.
This plugin provides a wrapper for IronSource rewarded video ad unit.


Cocoapods is required. Clone the repository in Plugins directory and run make.

Initial setup

First of all familiarize yourself with official IronSource SDK docs and integration guides for your platform, for this plugin is basically a wrapper for the SDK with little additional features.

Enable plugin in Project settings and fill in keys and ids in Engine ini file:

  1. [/Script/PsIronSource.PsIronSourceSettings]
  2. bIronSourceEnable=True
  3. IronSourceIOSAppKey=example
  4. IronSourceAndroidAppKey=example
  5. AdMobIOSAppId=example
  6. AdMobAndroidAppId=example

If needed, populate SKAdNetwork identifiers list directly in PsIronSource_UPL_IOS.xml:

  1. <!-- SKAdNetworkId start -->
  2. <setElement result="dSKAdNetworkItemDict_example" value="dict"></setElement>
  3. <addElement tag="$dSKAdNetworkItemDict_example" name="dSKAdNetworkIdentifierKey"></addElement>
  4. <setElement result="dSKAdNetworkId_example" value="string" text="example.skadnetwork"></setElement>
  5. <addElement tag="$dSKAdNetworkItemDict_example" name="dSKAdNetworkId_example"></addElement>
  6. <addElement tag="$" name="dSKAdNetworkItemDict_example"></addElement>
  7. <!-- SKAdNetworkId end -->

Alternatively you can use the provided update-skadnetworks.py Python script which will take network identifiers from skadnetworks file.

Basic usage

After getting GDPR consent from user you can set consent status using UPsIronSourceLibrary::GetIronSourceProxy()->SetGDPRConsent(bConsent).

Initizalize SDK using UPsIronSourceLibrary::GetIronSourceProxy()->InitIronSource(UserId) with user id as parameter.

You can get notifications about various ad-related events by binding to VideoStateDelegate: UPsIronSourceLibrary::GetIronSourceProxy()->VideoStateDelegate.AddDynamic(this, &AExampleGameMode::OnVideoAdStateChanged).

Rewarded video

To query rewarded video availability, use HasRewardedVideo, IsRewardedVideoCappedForPlacement or VideoStateDelegate events.

To start rewarded video, call ShowRewardedVideo.


To query interstitial availability, use IsInterstitialReady, IsInterstitialCappedForPlacement or VideoStateDelegate events.

To start interstitial, call ShowInterstitial. You should load interstitial manually with function LoadInterstitial before first call ShowInterstitial and every time after interstitial was shown, e.g., you can use events InterstitialClosed, InterstitialShowFailed and InterstitialLoadFailed.