Learning project on Unreal Engine 4
Test project on Unreal Engine 4
Russian language is coming soon…
Тестовый проект с игрой на Unreal Engine 4.
Разработка документации на русском языке ведётся и будет опубликована здесь в будущих обновлениях.
This game is my sandbox.
Made with Unreal Engine 4.26
Go to the folder you want to download project. Type
git clone https://github.com/AlexanderSayner/CplusHell.git
Then see CplusHell folder with a project.
For opening project in unreal editor just double click on CplusHell.uproject file.
Fot editing sources in your IDE, double click on CplusHell.sln file.
In Editor you can change default IDE for Unreal Engine. Click Edit -> Editor Preferences -> Source Code -> chose your favourite IDE in Source Code Editor option.
First of all, install MC Visual Studio Community 2019 for Unreal Engine. Then open the solution on directory root. Starting debug splution initialise opening Unreal Engine 4 editor.
Or just open solution and Unreal Engine project in the same time, then in Visual Studion go
Debug -> Attach to Process… -> start filter with “edit” -> attach unreal engine editor
Then VS should start debug process.
Also you can use another IDE that you like.
Declaration rules