Crawl Wikipedia pages and upload TTS to Youtube.
Crawl Wikipedia pages and upload TTS to YouTube.
Do you want to:
npm install -g wikipedia-tts
in console.npm install wikipedia-tts
wikipedia-tts <command> [page] [options]
# --help: show this help
# -l, --log: enable log
# -o, --output: set output file
# -d, --db: set crawl database file (crawl.db)
# -p, --priority: set page priority (0)
# -r, --references: set page references (0)
# -s, --status: set page status (0)
# -t, --times: times to crawl/upload (1)
# Environment variables:
# WIKIPEDIATTS_LOG: enable logging (0)
# WIKIPEDIATTS_DB: crawl database file (crawl.db)
wikipedia-tts "Ladakh"
# "Ladakh" is uploaded to YouTube
wikipedia-tts add "Plant nutrition"
# "Plant nutrition" is added to crawl list
wikipedia-tts update "Plant nutrition" --priority 1
# "Plant nutrition" priority is set to 1
# this means it will be crawled/uploaded first
# even if other pages have higher number of references
wikipedia-tts crawl
# "Plant nutrition" is page links are crawled
# this is because it is on top priority, references
wikipedia-tts crawl --times 10
# Crawling done recursively 10 times
wikipedia-tts upload
# Highest ranking page is crawled and uploaded to YouTube
wikipedia-tts upload --times 10
# Uploading done recursively 10 times
const wikipediaTts = require('wikipedia-tts');
// wikipediaTts.setup([db path]): db conn (promise)
// wikipediaTts.get<db>, <page>): {title, priority, references, status} (promise)
// wikipediaTts.add(<db>, <page>): page (promise)
// wikipediaTts.remove(<db>, <page>): page (promise)
// wikipediaTts.update(<db>, <page>, [value]): page (promise)
// wikipediaTts.crawl(<db>, [options]): times crawled (promise)
// wikipediaTts.upload(<db>, [options]): times uploaded (promise)
// wikipediaTts(<output>, <page>, [options]): Upload page to YouTube
// -> <wikijs page> (promise)
/* More options: @wikipedia-tts/youtube */
// [options]: {
// db: $WIKIPEDIATTS_DB||'crawl.db',
// input: {
// text: null,
// image: null,
// tags: null,
// description: null
// }
// }
wikipediaTts(null, 'Ladakh');
// "Ladakh" is uploaded to youtube
var db = await wikipediaTts.setup();
// crawl list is created (crawl.db)
await wikipediaTts.add(db, 'Plant nutrition');
// "Plant nutrition" is added to crawl list
await wikipediaTts.update(db, 'Plant nutrition', {priority: 1});
// "Plant nutrition" priority is set to 1
// this means it will be crawled/uploaded first
// even if other pages have higher number of references
await wikipediaTts.crawl(db);
// "Plant nutrition" is page links are crawled
// this is because it is on top priority, references
await wikipediaTts.crawl(db, {times: 10});
// Crawling done recursively 10 times
await wikipediaTts.upload(db);
// Highest ranking page is crawled and uploaded to YouTube
await wikipediaTts.crawl(db, {times: 10});
// Uploading done recursively 10 times