项目作者: malikakarsh

项目描述 :
A very primitive form of original google tesseract which extracts texts (ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS) from an image and converts them to plain text
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/malikakarsh/EXTRACT.git
创建时间: 2020-08-23T06:30:36Z





EXTRACT is an optical character recognition engine for various operating systems which extracts texts from an image and converts them to plain text.

This model is a very primitive form of the original google tesseract which extracts texts (ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS) from an image and converts them to plain text.

Modules/Library REQUIREMENTS:

1) os
2) numpy
3) PIL
4) sys
5) keras
6) cropyble
7) cv2
8) shutil

How To Run the script:

NOTE1:- The trained model is not provided. So for the very first time run the script as it is. Once the model is trained:
COMMENT OUT ‘Train_Model’ on line ‘65’ and then run the script for further use.

NOTE2:- Only some fonts were taken into account so remember to use default font (calibri) in image texts with a FONT SIZE of ‘72’ as there are assumptions to extract letters.

Run the script on your terminal: ‘python3 tesseract.py’:
input image is:

output is (the predicted result is at the bottom):

The input image can be of any number of words example:

output is: