项目作者: JimSeker

项目描述 :
Android speech examples
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/JimSeker/speech.git
创建时间: 2014-03-17T15:44:29Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0


Android speech Examples

eclipse/ has the examples in eclipse project format, no longer updated. Otherwise the examples are for android studio.

legacy/ is older examples that are either depreciated or have been replaced by newer ones.

speech2text (java) use the button to have it recognize the speech. It will list the top 5 results and speak the top result. It also has multilingual abilities (broken before API 33).

speech2text_kt (kotlin) use the button to have it recognize the speech. It will list the top 5 results and speak the top result. It also has multilingual abilities (broken before API 33).

speech2textdemo (java) use the recognizerIntent to get the speech2text engine and displays the top 5 results.

speech2textdemo_kt (Kotlin) use the recognizerIntent to get the speech2text engine and displays the top 5 results.

speech2textdemo2 (java) builds it’s own interface, instead of using the recognizerIntent. still displays the top 5 results.

speech2textdemo2_kt (kotlin) builds it’s own interface, instead of using the recognizerIntent. still displays the top 5 results.

text2speech (java) is a simple example to do text to speech. works in API 30 with queries additions.

text2speech_kt (kotlin) is a simple example to do text to speech. works in API 30 with queries additions.

These are example code for University of Wyoming, Cosc 4730 Mobile Programming course and cosc 4735 Advance Mobile Programing course.
All examples are for Android.