项目作者: MimusTriurus
项目描述 :
Multiplatform offline speech recognizer
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/MimusTriurus/SpeechRecognizer.git
Project of off-line speech recognizing. On the basis of library pocketsphinx (static assembly).
The basis of the project is dynamic library SpeechRecognizer (SpeechRecognizer->lib->dynamic).
Library SpeechRecognizer has been created for future integration to the projects on Unity 5 by means of using wrapper (connector) UnitySpeechRecognizer (https://github.com/MimusTriurus/UnitySpeechRecognizer ).
Application for demonstration of speech recognizing: VoiceRecognition (SpeechRecognizer->app).
System requirements:
- ОС: Windows(x86, x64), Ubuntu 16.04(x86, x64), Raspbian;
- Qt 5.5.1 or higher;
- Compiler with support for c++ 11 (MSVC2013 on Windows);
- Microphone.
Setup for Windows:
- Clone the repository;
- If required – setup compilation flag – j, where “” is the number of cores being used in the process of compilation;
- Build main project SpeechRecognizer;
- Download files of acoustic model https://cloud.mail.ru/public/74Jz/ifWwr2p2r and expand compressed files to the folder with executive file VoiceRecognition.exe.
Setup for Linux:
- Clone the repository;
- Install library libasound2-dev by keying in in the console command “sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev” (so that pocketsphinx used Alsa, not pulseaudio by default);
- If required – setup compilation flag – j, where “” is the number of cores being used in the process of compilation;
- Build main project SpeechRecognizer;
- Download files of acoustic model https://cloud.mail.ru/public/74Jz/ifWwr2p2r and expand compressed files to the folder with executive file VoiceRecognition.
Setup for Raspbian:
- Create swap file (size 1 Gb) following the steps as below:
a) open the file by keying in in the console command “sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile”;
b) change the value CONF_SWAPSIZE to 1024;
c) save the file by pressing [Ctrl+O], then press [Enter] to confirm and press [Ctrl+X]. - Clone the repository;
- Install library libasound2-dev by keying in in the console command “sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev” (so that pocketsphinx used Alsa, not pulseaudio by default);
- If required – setup compilation flag – j, where “” is the number of cores being used in the process of compilation;
- Build main project SpeechRecognizer;
- Download files of acoustic model https://cloud.mail.ru/public/74Jz/ifWwr2p2r and expand compressed files to the folder with executive file VoiceRecognition.
- For static assembly of libraries pocketsphinx command “make” is to be executed with flag CFLAGS=”-static”;
- For setup of compiled libraries it is required to execute command in the console “make install DESTDIR=”;
- Test application VoiceRecognition and library SpeechRecognizer are located in folder “bin”;
- So that application VoiceRecognition could work with a certain microphone it is required to start the program with parameter “-adcdev hw:0,0” ( where hw:0,0 – identifier of the microphone. For example, “hw:1,0” for microphone of usb web-camera on raspberry ), otherwise default device will be used;
- To improve the quality of recognition it is required to tune the microphone in such a way, so that it sensed as little back-ground noise as possible.