项目作者: gisbi-kim
项目描述 :
Full-python LiDAR SLAM using ICP and Scan Context
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/gisbi-kim/PyICP-SLAM.git
Full-python LiDAR SLAM.
- Full-python LiDAR SLAM
- Easy to exchange or connect with any Python-based components (e.g., DL front-ends such as Deep Odometry)
- Here, ICP, which is a very basic option for LiDAR, and Scan Context (IROS 18) are used for odometry and loop detection, respectively.
- Hands-on LiDAR SLAM
- Easy to understand (could be used for educational purpose)
- The practical use case of miniSAM
- The miniSAM is easy to use at Python
What is SLAM?
- In this repository, SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping) is considered as
- SLAM = Odometry + Loop closure
- In this repository, the state to be optimized only has robot poses; that is pose-graph SLAM.
Overview of the PyICP SLAM
How to use
Just run
$ python3 main_icp_slam.py
The details of parameters are eaily found in the argparser in that .py file.
Results (KITTI dataset)
Those results are produced under the same parameter conditions:
- ICP used random downsampling, 7000 points.
- Scan Context’s parameters:
- Ring: 20, Sector: 60
- The number of ringkey candidates: 30
- Correct Loop threshold: 0.17 for 09, 0.15 for 14, and 0.11 for all others
Results (left to right):
- 00 (loop), 01, 02 (loop), 03

- 04, 05 (loop), 06 (loop), 09 (loop)

- 14 (loop), 15 (loop), 16 (loop), 17

Some of the results are good, and some of them are not enough.
Those results are for the study to understand when is the algorithm works or not.
- The Scan Context does not find loops well when there is a lane level change (i.e., KITTI 08, as below figures).
If the loop threshold is too low (0.07 in the below figure), no loops are detected and thus the odometry errors cannot be reduced.
If the loop threshold is high (0.20 in the below figure), false loops are detected and thus the graph optimization failed.

- but using this non-conservative threshold with a robust kernel would be a solution.
Giseop Kim (paulgkim@kaist.ac.kr)
- Supports Pangolin-based point cloud visualization along the SLAM poses.
- Go to https://github.com/JustWon/PyICP-SLAM