项目作者: Mayankm96

项目描述 :
ROS Wrapper in C++ for Microsoft AirSim
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/Mayankm96/airsim_img_publisher.git
创建时间: 2018-06-04T06:29:08Z

开源协议:MIT License




This repository is a fork of the publishAirsimImgs repository by Marcelino Almeida. It is a preliminary solution to integrate ROS and AirSim plugin till Microsoft provides an alternative one.

Features within this repo:

  • Publishes rgb data into the topic /airsim/rgb/image_raw
  • Publishes depth data into the topic /airsim/depth
  • Publishes surface normals data into the topic /airsim/normals/image_raw
  • Publishes segmentation labels data into the topic /airsim/segmentation/image_raw
  • Publishes camera calibration parameters into /airsim/depth/camera_info
  • Publishes a tf tree with the origin (world), the position/orientation of the quadcoper (base_link), and the position/orientation of the camera (camera_frame)

The airsim_img_publisher package has been tested under ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 16.04LTS. The source code is released under MIT Licence.


urdf model of DJI M100

  • Added urdf model of a quadrotor similar to the quarotor’s blueprint in the simulator
  • The header files have been renamed and shifted to the include directory
  • Fixed bugs in the code
  • README modified for better understanding
  • Another transform has been added from the drone’s base_frame_id frame to camera_frame_id
  • Changed the names of topics that are published
  • Added publishing of normals and segmentation images as well
  • Script added to fly the drone in lawn-mower surveillance pattern
  • Added separate node to publish stereo camera images only


Building from Source


  • Eigen
    1. sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
  • AirSim: In order to link the client-side of the plugin with this project, build the fork of the plugin available here
    1. cd ~/
    2. git clone https://github.com/Mayankm96/AirSim_ROS.git
    3. ./setup.sh
    4. ./build.sh


  • To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace
    1. cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    2. https://github.com/Mayankm96/airsim_img_publisher.git
  • In order to run AirSim, you will have to change the Airsim_ip and Airsim_port parameters to match the IP/Ports in which Airsim is running. All these informations can be found in the settings.json file (located at ~/Documents/AirSim) for your Airsim configuration. The ports you are looking for are the “LogViewerPort” and the “UdpPort”. Note that the settings.json file have to be configured such that “LogViewerHostIp” and “UdpIp” both have the IP of the computer that will run AirSim.

  • Set the correct path to AIRSIM_ROOT in the CMakeLists.txt file.

  • To compile the package:

    1. cd ~/catkin_ws
    2. catkin_make


Before running the nodes in the package, you need to run Airsim plugin in the Unreal Engine. In case you are unfamiliar on how to do so, refer to the tutorials available here.

Running the tf publisher of drone model (DJI M100)

If you wish to use the urdf model of the drone used in AirSim simulator, then

  1. Change tf_cam_flag to false in pubImages.launch and pubStereoImages.launch
  2. Run:
    1. roslaunch airsim_img_publisher publish_tf.launch

Alternately, you may set tf_cam_flag to true and allow the node to publish the required transformations on it’s own

NOTE: In the modified blueprint of the drone for UE4, all cameras are downward-facing.

Running image publisher

Change the IP and Port configurations in pubImages.launch to match the settings in which Airsim is running. Then:

  1. roslaunch airsim_img_publisher pubPointCloud.launch

Create octomap

  1. roslaunch airsim_img_publisher octomap.launch

Visualization on rviz

An rviz configuration file can be found in the rviz directory. This configuration allows a user to see the published images, as well as the tf tree.

  1. rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/airsim_img_publisher/rviz/pclConfig.rviz



This is a client node at (imgPublisher.cpp) interfaces with the AirSim plugin to retrieve the drone’s pose and camera images (rgb, depth, normals and segmentation).

Published Topics

  • /airsim/rgb/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The rgb camera images.

  • /airsim/depth (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The depth camera images in 32FC1 encoding.

  • /airsim/normals/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The surface normals image in bgr8 encoding.

  • /airsim/segmentation/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The semantic segmentation labels in bgr8 encoding.

  • /airsim/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)

    The rgb camera paramters.

  • /airsim/depth/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)

    The depth camera paramters.

  • /tf

    tf tree with the origin (world), the position/orientation of the quadcoper (base_frame_id), and the position/orientation of the camera (frame selected on basis of cameraID)


  • AirSim Communication: Airsim_ip (server’s IP address), Airsim_port (server’s port)
  • tf frame names: base_frame_id
  • Camera parameters: Fx, Fy, cx, cz, width, height
  • Localization Method: localization_method (can be either ground_truth or gps)
  • Camera ID: cameraID (camera on the drone to use (possible values: 0-4))
  • Publishing frequency: loop_rate
  • Publishing tf between camera_frame_id and base_frame_id: tf_cam_flag


This is a client node at (stereoPublisher.cpp) interfaces with the AirSim plugin to retrieve the drone’s pose and stereo camera images (stereo images, depthmap registered to left camera frame).

Published Topics

  • /airsim/rgb/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The rgb camera images on left camera frame.

  • /airsim/left/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The rgb camera images on left camera frame.

  • /airsim/right/image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The rgb camera images on right camera frame.

  • /airsim/depth_registered/depth (sensor_msgs/Image)

    The depth camera images in 32FC1 encoding on left camera frame.

  • /airsim/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)

    The rgb camera paramters.

  • /airsim/depth/camera_info (sensor_msgs/CameraInfo)

    The depth camera paramters.

  • /tf

    tf tree with the origin (world), the position/orientation of the quadcoper (base_frame_id), and the position/orientation of the stereo camera


  • AirSim Communication: Airsim_ip (server’s IP address), Airsim_port (server’s port)
  • tf frame names: base_frame_id
  • Camera parameters: Fx, Fy, cx, cz, width, height
  • Depth baseline: Tx
  • Localization Method: localization_method (can be either ground_truth or gps)
  • Publishing frequency: loop_rate
  • Publishing tf between base_frame_id and camera frames: tf_cam_flag