项目作者: Rob-Leggett

项目描述 :
Real Estate Group (REA) - Coding Exercise
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/Rob-Leggett/rea-robot-simulator.git
创建时间: 2016-12-04T04:51:14Z

开源协议:MIT License



Build Status

How To Run

  1. Build the jar with gradle clean fatJar
  2. Open Command Line and navigate to <project>/build/lib
  3. Run java -jar rea-robot-simulator-all-1.0.jar ../../src/main/resources/command/command.txt

How To Test

  1. Unit Test Only - gradle clean test
  2. Integration Test Only - gradle clean integrationTest
  3. Both Unit and Integration Tests - gradle clean test integrationTest


  1. This document refer to how to run and test the application
  2. To refer to the problem statement, please refer to PROBLEM.MD
  3. To refer to the solution documentation, please refer to SOLUTION.MD