Docker-compose contains the most common big data systems like: Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Jupyter, Flink
Docker-compose contains the most common big data systems like: Apache Hadoop, Apache Hive, Apache Spark, Jupyter, Flink
Run $ docker-compose up -d
to pull and run the images
you can access the services throug the exposed ports as the following :
Service Name | Port Number |
Hadoop name node | 50070 |
Hadoop data node | 50075 |
Hive server | 10000 |
Postgres | 5433 |
Hue | 8888 |
Jupyter | 8889 |
PySpark | 4040 |
Flink job manager | 8081 |
Flink task manager | 6122 |
To list the containers run $ docker ps
To run commands inside container run $ docker exec -it <containerName>