Light-weight crawler.
A light-weighted, distributed crawler implemented based on asyncio, aiohttp and redis.
For commemorating genneral Hannibal Barca.
Two application design modes supported:
Two collecting modes supported:
Only basic parsing schedule is implemented in parser module, you need to overide the Parser class and implemented the page parsing function by yourself. Multiple parser modules are supported, beautiful soup, pyquery or regular expression are available.
Both of the two brokers mentioned above are implemented in memory based mode and redis based mode. For memory based queue and pool, basic storage mechanism also implemented.
pip install hannibal
As mentioned above, in this project 2 collecting modes are implemented in module LocalCollector and DistributeCollector.
LocalCollector requires a mission queue for passing packed collecting missions, a href pool for avoiding duplicate collecting, and a parser function for parsing collecting result. For DistributeCollector, the requirement is basically the same as DistributeCollector‘s, except it requires a parse queue for passing the collecting result to another parser node.
from hannibal.spider import LocalCollector, MemPool, MemQueue, extract_json, Mission
pool = MemPool(name='http_bin')
queue = MemQueue(name='http_bin', limited=True)
url_list = [Mission(unique_tag=i, url='' % i) for i in range(1, 500)]
collector = LocalCollector(mission_queue=queue, href_pool=pool, parse_function=collect_function, cache_size=10)