Analysing the Boston AirBNB data for the Udacity Project and Blog Post
Analysing the Boston Data for Airbnb. The blog post is here @aj455/boston-airbnb-data-analysis-43c38b1cfae5"">
This project was created as part of Udacity’s Data Scientist nanodegree. Here I have analyzed Boston Airbnb Open Data following CRISP-DM methodology. Airbnb data for other cities have the same format. So the same understandings and code can be applied to Airbnb dataset of any other city.
The business questions which I have tried to answer in this project are as follows:
Kaggle Boston AirBnb data
The following Airbnb activity is included in this Boston dataset:
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib pyplot
- Seaborn
- Sklearn
Python3, Jupyter Notebook
Using Google Collab, but can also be run using jupypter notebook command.
Thanks to Kaggle and AirBnb for the dataset and Udacity for the course.