项目作者: michaelsnook

项目描述 :
A Gatsby site to display mutual aid fundraisers for COVID relief, with an Airtable backend.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/michaelsnook/mutual-aid-listing.git
创建时间: 2021-04-26T18:19:10Z

开源协议:MIT License


Airtable listing theme for Gatsby

Gatsby starter theme integrated with Airtable


Live demo is available at: https://mutual-aid-listing.pages.dev/

Site based on this template: https://github.com/wkocjan/gatsby-airtable-listing


The home page


  • Integration with Airtable
  • Item details displayed in a modal with navigation (previous / next)
  • Responsive/adaptive images via gatsby-image
  • Uses utility-first TailwindCSS framework
  • Responsive design (desktop / mobile)
  • Generic newsletter form
  • Dark Mode support 🌙

🚀 Getting started

Install Node package manager (NPM) (if you haven’t already).

Get the source code and install dependencies.

  1. $ git clone git@github.com:wkocjan/gatsby-airtable-listing.git
  2. $ npm install

Set up Airtable API keys

Copy included .env.example file to .env and fill it with your unique values:

  3. AIRTABLE_TABLE_NAME="Destinations"

You’re now ready to go. If you want to customize the Airtable base, please refer to gatsby-source-airtable plugin documentation.

Data update

The data from Airtable does not update automatically, even when you’re running the develop process.

If you modified any data in your Airtable base, please be sure to restart the development process, so the new data can be downloaded.

Crucial Commands

This project comes with a few handy commands for linting and code fixing. The most important ones are the ones to develop and ship code. You can find the most important commands below.

gatsby develop

Run in the project locally.

gatsby build

Run a production build into ./public. The result is ready to be put on any static hosting you prefer.