项目作者: jonnor

项目描述 :
Build an Articifial Intelligence of your ex-partner using their online data
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/jonnor/MyEx.AI.git
创建时间: 2018-08-15T17:53:12Z




A (fake) startup and app for building an Articifial Intelligence of your ex-partner,
using their public social media and private conversations you have had.

Logo banner

Purpose was to rise awareness of

  • How much personal and sensitive data we put online, typically stored forever
  • That it might not only be the social media companies we need to worry about data abuse from,
    but also people that we (previously) trusted. Few practical methods today of ‘revoking’ such data access.
  • That some aspects of emulating a person might not be so far off technologically.
    Ex: Chatbot with personalized knowledge database and chatting style,
    creating realistic fake images and videos by applying transformations ala DeepFakes

Using a hopefully relatable example of something crazy-but-imaginable.

Developed as part of MIT Medialab Berlin workshop
Signal & Noise, under the Creative AI track
under the subtheme ‘Immortality’.


Adelina Badea, Jasnam Sidhu, and Jon Nordby


  1. TODO: link video recording when available

Presentation notes

Concept app

Just built to illustrate the idea and support the narrative of the presentation. No real functionality.

Concept app screenshot


  1. npm install


  1. # Chat with conversations played back from ./data/scripts/
  2. npm start
  3. # Interactive mockups
  4. chromium personality.html
  5. chromium dataentry.html
  6. chromium processing.html


Facebook API lockdown

Facebook has locked down API access for third-party apps considerably.
All apps that want to access anything but name,accountId must go through review,
including a screencast for each feature using a particular permission.
No (new) apps can access the Messenger inbox.

Further work

NOT interested in developing this as a real app.
However, might be interested in:

Tool for detecting sensitive data

Make a tool that lets users scan their FB,WhatApp conversations for sensitive data.
Because no matter how mindful one is about minimizing sensitive data online,
it is likely that some will leak in anyway.
Could be things that are intimate,embarrasing,secret.

Scanning should happen client-side in the users browser, so that it can be verified that no personal is collected.

Tool ideally assists in deleting the content as well. But need to make clear that there is no guarantee other
conversation participants don’t have a copy/backup.

More notes

See braindump