The ATM Information Reference Model Ontology
AIRM-O is an OWL ontology derived from the ATM Information Reference Model maintained by EUROCONTROL. Those interested in AIRM in general are referred to the official AIRM website, which provides ample resources assisting prospective users ( Those interested in AIRM-O specifically will find the following guides interesting:
In the xslt folder you’ll find XSLT scripts for deriving the OWL ontology from the AIRM UML representation in XMI format. Whereas the ontology itself is published under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (see below), the XSLT scripts are provided under GPL.
Please use the following format to cite this ontology:
Vennesland, A., Neumayr, B., Schuetz, C. G., Savulov, A., Wilson, S., Gringinger, E., Gorman, J.: AIRM-O — ATM Information Reference Model Ontology, 2017.
The ATM Information Reference Model Ontology (AIRM-O) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.