项目作者: ConsciousML

项目描述 :
Linear regression from scratch using Pytorch.
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/ConsciousML/Linear-Regression-from-scratch.git



The purpose of this repository is to implement linear regression from scratch in Pytorch.
We will see how this method works on real-world data.

Blog Post

The blog post explaining the work of this repository can be found here.


The dataset used for this experiment can be found in the data folder.
The Swedich Auto Insurance dataset contains:

  • X: The number of claims by customer.
  • Y: The total payment the customer got by the insurance.


In order to install the conda environment needed to run the notebook, run the following line:

  1. conda env create --file requirements.yml
  2. conda activate torch