FreeRTOS for Jailhouse Cells
FreeRTOS is a real time operation system
for embedded systems. It is widely used on ARM based microprocessor boards.
Jailhouse is a partitioning Hypervisor based on Linux.
For more information on both systems refer to the corresponding web pages.
This project aims at getting both systems run together on a multicore ARM processor system.
It allows to combine the general purpose OS Linux with a hard real time OS. Both systems are
almost isolated from each other by the underlying hypervisor.
First of all clone this repository
Let’s assume your Jailhouse sources reside in the directory
then do the following to build new cell description files for the hypervisor
Root cell description
cp $FREERTOS_CELL_DIR/jailhouse-configs/bananapi.c $JAILHOUSE_DIR/configs/arm/
RTOS cell description
cp $FREERTOS_CELL_DIR/jailhouse-configs/bananapi-freertos-demo.c $JAILHOUSE_DIR/configs/arm/
Rebuild your jailhouse subsystem. In the directory “$JAILHOUSE_DIR/configs/arm” you will get
two new files which are used in the next step.
Setup your jailhouse instances
This step has to be executed on the ARM target. You have to transfer the cell files to the target machine.
jailhouse enable $JAILHOUSE_DIR/configs/arm/bananapi.cell
jailhouse cell create $JAILHOUSE_DIR/configs/arm/bananapi-freertos-demo.cell
The build system assumes that your cross compiler prefix is “arm-linux-gnueabihf-“.
If this condition is true then you simply do
If your cross compiler prefix is something different then you can build the whole by invoking
make CROSS_COMPILE='xxx-yyy-zzz-'
It is also possible to build the code directly on the target machine by doing the following
Now you are ready to start your FreeRTOS demo under the hypervisor.
Once again this step has to be executed on the ARM target.
jailhouse cell load FreeRTOS $FREERTOS_CELL_DIR/freertos-demo.bin
jailhouse cell start FreeRTOS
After performing these 2 steps you should get some output from the FreeRTOS demo application
on the second serial interface (baudrate: 115200) of the Banana Pi board.
Moreover the green LED on the board should start to blink.
The first serial interface is used by the hypervisor and Linux.
If you plan to get the whole system running on other hardware bases you have to take
into consideration the following items: