32-bit 3D Printer controller board using STM32F407 and replaceable TMC2660/2209 stepper drivers.
PrntrBoard V2 is the next iteration of my 3D printer controller design. The V1 was very good, except it had one major drawback - the stepper drivers were soldered on the board which would make the design expensive.
This V2 design has 6 replaceable motor drivers. While traditional RAMPS based boards use pin headers to house the driver boards, I’m using PCIe 1x slots. This design has several advantages:
The following functionality has been verified on the rev1 prototype board with Marlin firmware:
High power driver using Trinamic TMC2660. Should support up to 2.5A RMS current per phase with forced cooling. Supports stall detection. Driver current is adjustable via SPI.
Versatile “economy” driver using Trinamic TMC2209. Should support up to 1.8A RMS current per phase with forced cooling. Supports stall detection. Driver current is adjustable via UART.
High voltage driver (up to 42V) using Trinamic TMC2130. Should support up to 1.1A RMS current per phase with forced cooling. Supports stall detection. Driver current is adjustable via SPI. The driver board has separate power terminal.
Very high current driver design using TMC5161 and TMC2160 with external MOSFETS are also possible. In addition an adapter board for Pololu style stepper drivers is planned for backwards compatibility with old drivers.
Marlin v2 is working on the board. I have a port of Smoothieware V1. Klipper is functional with some [fixes] (https://github.com/ghent360/klipper). RepRepFirmware ports is in early stages and not yet functional.
Visit my blog for status updates on the development of the board.