项目作者: sbedi49

项目描述 :
Python script for ArcGIS
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/sbedi49/population-analysis.git
创建时间: 2020-11-25T19:22:16Z



Population Analysis Project

Python script for ArcGIS


The tool is designed to streamline the process of editing census data files to be imported into ArcGIS, the application takes in a raw census CSV file and edits the fieldnames by removing special characters and extracts county names into a new ‘County’ field. It then allows the user to customize the CSV file, by allowing them to sort through columns based on gender and by rows based on the counties they select. The tool then joins the customized CSV with a census tract shapefile, where the summary statistics and resulting map image are output into an HTML file.


To use this tool you must have/include:

  • ArcGIS Desktop/ArcCatalog

  • CSV file for conversion

  • Census Tract Shapefile

  • ArcMap Document Path

  • Output Folder path

Instructions using Sample Data

  1. Download the Population Analysis.tbx and add to ArcCatalog

  2. Download sample input CSV and sample shapefile from Sample Inputs.zip and extract files to C:\

  3. Download My folder onto C:\ (the folder contains a test.mxd file where the map will be drawn)

  4. **If you want to extract files elsewhere make sure you also change the default relative paths in the GUI
  5. Run the script from ArcGIS Desktop and input GUI prompts (the default paramaters should work if paths werent changed)