Arma 3 browser-based After Action Reports system
Version: 1.3
This is a client-side browser-based Arma 3 After Action Report Viewer. It’s uses only JavaScript, so there are only 2 requirements: modern browser (e.g. Google Chrome) and good graphic card (i guess, you have one if you are playing Arma 3).
Demo page (thanks to aeroson):
Tactical Shift MilSim Community:
Tactical Shift MilSim Community repo: (latest version with support of zipped aars).
Server-side SQF scripts to collect units data during the mission to Arma’s RPT file (e.g. C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Arma 3).
Can be easily disabled by Mission Parameters.
Allow to convert RPT file to one or several AAR files.
Allow to play AAR files in Browser (tested with Google Chrome).
Islands available:
Chernarus (Chernarus Summer, Chernarus Winter)
Now it’s possible to share link to AAR by URI param:
Get 2d map from Arma via TOPOGRAPHY or EXPORTNOGRID cheat (see for details). It will dump map in .emf format to your C:/ drive
Convert .emf to .png (there is a tutorial and converter ).
Now open your .png file in photoshop (or corel or whatever app that can resize image and convert it to indexed colors with configurable pallete)
Map should be a square for better accuracy and size should be equal to world size. Then switch image to Indexed colors and edit it’s pallete. Your goal is to leave about 8-12 colors, so make all similar shades exactly the same color (e.g. 1 green color, 1 white, 1 black, 1 gray, 1 blue, 1 orange (for roads), 1 pale orange (offroads), 1 brown (terrain height lines) - it will be enough to represent all elements in the map)
Now tiles should be created:
If map size is less than 5120px - it’s enough to save the map image as {Name}_01.png and set tiles: 1 in config.ini.
For large maps - make several tiles, each tile should be less than 5120x5120px (it’s easy to do using Slice tool and Export for Web in Photoshop). Tiles should be named from {Name}_01 to {Name}_{NumberOfTiles} and “tiles” parameter in config should be set to actual number of tiles (e.g. for 4x4 tiles -> tiles: 16 in config.ini and images should be named from Stratis_01 to Stratis_25). You should also create map imaged resized to < 5120x5120px and save it as {Name}_00.png.
All tiles for world should be placed in /src/maps/{WorldName}/ folder and this folder should be used in the “config.ini” for as “img” path (e.g. for Stratis00…Statis_16 - “img”: “src/maps/Stratis/Stratis\*.png”).
Map image may be scaled down (e.g. 30x30km map may be scaled 3 times to 10x10km and then tiles may be created).