项目作者: armada-alliance

项目描述 :
Armada Alliance registry + website
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/armada-alliance/armada-alliance.git
创建时间: 2021-04-18T13:55:08Z



Armada Alliance Website


Our Mission

  • The Armada alliance was formed in efforts to build a community of decentralized, low-cost, and energy-efficient stake pool operations on Cardano. All Stake Pools that are apart of this alliance run on either Raspberry Pis exclusively or low power consuming ARM-based machines.

How to add your pool (and stake pool operators) to the website

  1. Fork this repo with your GitHub account

  2. Add a file named <IDENTITY_ID>.md for every stake pool operator of your stake pool inside https://github.com/armada-alliance/armada-alliance/tree/main/services/website/content/en/identities

  3. Add a file named .md for your pool inside https://github.com/armada-alliance/armada-alliance/tree/main/services/website/content/en/stake-pools

  4. Head back to the armada-alliance github and submit a pull request to add your pool to the website

Here is an example of an identity markdown file.


  1. ---
  2. template: IdentityDetailPage
  3. title: Wael Ivie🐋
  4. description: Founder, SPO
  5. image: /wael.png
  6. telegram: Qwailman
  7. twitter: Piada_stakePool
  8. github: AstroWa3l
  9. donationAddress: addr1qyqydvg5wzd6twvernsjcdjd9akmygyqp7gky7zpm0hrmq3ccwlnumzzuum6k6ja2k47g5dv2p4kwt753mpjjzx8fsmsruqjr7
  10. verified: true
  11. ---
  12. Hi I am Wael Ivie, the founder of the Armada Alliance and the ARMing Cardano proposal from fund4 of project Catalyst. My whole life I have been wondering how can I help the world be a better place? I have decided to do this by focusing my efforts on decentralization and blockchain education.
  13. <YoutubeVideo url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py3Xy3ScVas" description="ARMing Cardano" ></YoutubeVideo>
  14. https://adapulse.io/arming-cardano-an-ecosystem-for-raspberry-pi-stakepool-operators/

If you would like to include an image in your markdown file, you can use the following syntax: /myimage.png as we have above after you upload the image to our asset repo via a pull request. For more information on how to add your image to the asset repo please read our guide here.

Alternatively, if you would like to just link an image you may do that as well by inserting the raw link to the image into the image field using the direct link as follows: https://url-to-image.com/image.png

Here is an example of a pool’s registration md file.


  1. ---
  2. template: PoolDetailPage
  3. ticker: PIADA
  4. memberSince: 2021-04-18
  5. identities:
  6. - id: tony-piada
  7. role: spo
  8. - id: wael-ivie
  9. role: spo
  10. telegram: piadapool
  11. github: AstroWa3l
  12. nodes:
  13. - role: producer
  14. deviceId: raspberry-pi-4-8gb
  15. storage: Crucial BX500 Internal SSD 120GB
  16. isBackup: false
  17. - role: relay
  18. deviceId: raspberry-pi-4-8gb
  19. storage: Crucial BX500 Internal SSD 120GB
  20. isBackup: false
  21. - role: relay
  22. deviceId: raspberry-pi-4-8gb
  23. storage: Crucial BX500 Internal SSD 120GB
  24. isBackup: false
  25. - role: relay
  26. deviceId: raspberry-pi-4-8gb
  27. storage: Crucial BX500 Internal SSD 120GB
  28. isBackup: true
  29. ---
  30. Write about your Pool details...

Please join our alliance’s telegram channel https://t.me/armada_alli because this will be the main place we discuss and vote on the future of our alliance. Thank You for Joining the Armada Alliance :smile: