A simple golang arraylist with string, int and interface{} arraylist tools
This library is using Go slices and arrays to provide a Java arraylist implementation like.
Don’t hesitate to email me (leguen.corentin@protonmail.com) or contribute to the project !
Presently under construction
To create a new arraylist : New() *List
Signature | Description |
Len() int | Return the length of the arraylist |
Clear() | Empty the arraylist |
Clone() *List | Return a copy of the arraylist |
Sublist(fromRange int, toRange int) *List | Return the inclusive sublist [start, end] of an arraylist |
IndexOf(elem interface{}) int | Return the position of elem in the arraylist |
GetValue(position int) interface{} | Return the value at the position position |
Contains(elem interface{}) bool | Show if the value elem is in the arraylist |
Add(elem interface{}) | Add elem to the tail of the arraylist |
AddAll(elems []interface{}) | Add all elems to the tail of the arraylist |
ReplaceAll(fromElem interface{}, toElem interface{}) | Replace all occurrences of an element by another one |
RemoveFirst(elem interface{}) | Remove the first occurrence of elem from the arraylist |
RemoveAtIndex(index int) | Remove the item at the position index |
RemoveAll(elem interface{}) | Remove all occurrences of elem from the arraylist |
ToArray() []interface{} | Return the arraylist as an array |
Equals(o *List) bool | Compare two arraylist |
package main
import (
arrayList "github.com/CorentinLeGuen/arraylist"
func main() {
s := arrayList.New()
s.Add("toto") // add five strings to the arraylist
fmt.Printf("%t\n", s.Contains("tata")) // false
fmt.Printf("%t\n", s.Contains("toto")) // true
s.RemoveFirst("toto") // we are removing the first "toto"
fmt.Printf("%t\n", s.Contains("toto")) // true
s.RemoveAll("toto") // we are removing every "toto"
fmt.Printf("%t\n", s.Contains("toto")) // false
fmt.Printf("%d\n", s.Len()) // 2 there is only ["titi", "tutu"] in the arraylist
s.AddAll([]interface{}{"toto", "tata"}) // adding at the end of the arraylist
fmt.Printf("%t\n", s.Contains("tata")) // true
fmt.Printf("%d\n", s.GetPosition("tutu")) // 1
fmt.Printf("%s\n", s.GetValue(2)) // "toto"
You can take a look at tests files for more examples.